#unlucky block baby au
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a-moon-and-sun-mincraft-au · 2 months ago
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This takes place wayyyyy later in the AU timeline
Oops, forgot to add Eclipse's ring
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lunar-children-au · 1 month ago
Messy doodle I made in Whiteboard
Yes, I know it is not good looking. Idc. + I made it with my computer touch pad and it is hard to do that.
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Another doodle in the same whiteboard of one of my other Aus that has a different blog
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Link to the post with my other blog
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heygerald · 9 months ago
Falling Without A Harness - Chapter 3
AU where Tom Ryder is still an asshole, just not a psychotic asshole. After their moment at the wrap party, Tom shows up at Parker's bookstore. How is it possible someone can be such an asshole when asking for a favor?
read the story here: prev / next
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Two weeks later finds the weather outside shifting with the first hint of autumn; cooler temperatures in the morning greet Parker when she walks to work, and the coffee shop next door has started advertising their new fall drinks of pumpkin spice and cinnamon tea. She's seen her brother every day since the wrap party—partly because he always makes a point of taking some down time after finishing a movie to recover from his stunts, and partly because her and Jody have become fast friends—but she hasn't seen Tom since their moment in the bathroom.
She suspects that's for the best. The internet is flooded with paparazzi photos of him flouncing around town with models every other day, and she's still trying to forget how natural it felt to laugh with him.
But despite her brother's newly open schedule, and Jody's constant pestering to go spend a day at the beach, Parker finds her bookstore just as empty as always.
There are a few stragglers here and there throughout the day. Sometimes she gets lucky when a tour bus stops for gas and snacks, allowing an ensemble of tacky dressed tourists to flood her street for twenty minutes. On unlucky days, Mr. Chamberlain will stop in to peruse her historical section; but he doesn't have any sort of schedule or income, and those visits consist entirely of him describing last night's CSI episode to Parker before trying to set her up with his grandson. Once he bought a book from her dollar bin. He attempted to return it three days later.
On days like today, Parker is visited by a sixteen-year-old named Melissa who hangs out every so often while her mom attends overpriced Pilates in the studio down the block.
"...and then Peter was all 'no, sorry Mandy, I'm not interested". Like, hello! My name is Melissa and we've lived in the same neighborhood since we were four," said teenager was droning on from her spot atop the upcycled reading chair in the corner. She never failed to impress Parker with how much she could talk—the stories quite literally never stopped coming—while at the same time she managed to read about four books a week. Parker suspected that Melissa's brain represented something like the Rainbow Road in Mario Kart, when the music got a little too fast and the turns were a little too hard to keep up with. "Now, I have no idea what I'm going to do. There's no one else for me to ask since it's three weeks away."
Parker, only half-listening to the story, hummed from her spot two rows back. She had won several boxes of books at a local auction about a month ago and had done a pretty good job at pretending they didn't exist.
Ignoring the problem only lasted so long, however, and this morning she had ended up spilling coffee all over herself when her sneaker caught the edge of the box. Pride—and knees—damaged, she decided to tackle the issue first thing in the morning.
It was now four in the afternoon, and the books were mocking her.
"Can't you just go alone?" she asked.
"Go alone? Are you crazy! That's, like, really sad, Park," Melissa explained. She couldn't see her, but Parker could feel the judgmental look the teen girl was giving her. "Only losers go alone to dances."
"Baby did it."
"Baby. You know? You don't put Baby in a corner? That one."
A tut. "You should really update your references."
"Jesus. Since when did Dirty Dancing become an outdated reference?" she muttered while inspecting the spine of a mystery novel from the 70s. It had definitely seen better days, and when she shifted it, three pages fell out. Parker tossed it into the TRASH box with a sigh. "Is going to a dance with your friends considered outdated too?"
"That's the same thing as going alone," Melissa groaned.
"How? You're literally not alone."
"Because if I go with my friends, that means that I couldn't get anyone that wasn't a friend to agree to go with me. I don't need the whole school thinking that I'm a total loser."
"I went with my friends and had a blast. And I'm not a loser."
There was no response other than silence, and after a few moments Parker realized that if Melissa had nothing to say about the subject, she likely had nothing nice to say.
She cleared her throat before moving onto the next, and final, box hoping that there would be better books in it. So far, her KEEP pile was looking pathetically small compared to what was about to be binned. With a forced change of conversation, she asked, "hey, you grew up here, right?"
"Did you know the Sawyers?"
"Like, Miss Sawyer? Down on Oakcrest?"
"The fancy old house with the bushes shaped like dogs. I bought a bunch of books at her estate sale, and so far, they all suck. I thought she was supposed to be a big collector or something."
The sound of Melissa humming echoed throughout the empty store, and Parker peeked around the bookshelves to spot the girl lying upside down on the chair; Doc Martens stuck up in the air, long ponytail hanging to the ground as she played on her phone.
Parker rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, totally. But she collected those kid's books. Original copies or whatever. Mom said she paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for some rabbit book."
"...Peter Rabbit?"
"I guess," Melissa shrugged. There was a loud smack of gum popping before her voice rang out, "she did a bunch of donations to local art musuems and galleries and stuff. A phila-something—"
"—and there was some big deal about her donating everything to some charity. Mom was talking about it. Which, like, good for them or whatever but I don't understand how donating an old book is helping solve world hunger."
Parker let her head drop against the beat-up cardboard box in front of her, something despondent and miserable sitting on her chest at the realization that she had wasted time and money on nothing but crap. "Well, I wish I knew that before I went into a bidding war over this garbage. Are the Hardy Boys still cool or is that dated too?"
A judgmental laugh floated back. "Um, their name is pronounced Hemsworth, Park."
"I meant—" she started, before realizing that this was a battle she was never going to win, and even if she wanted to try the musty smell resonating from these boxes of crap had burned through her daily allowance of braincells. Something Melissa didn't seem to worry about as she puffed from her vape pen. "Forget it."
Not so shockingly, Melissa did not, in fact, forget it. Instead, she spent the next ten minutes describing in scary detail each Hemsworth brother, their looks on a scale of one to ten, their best movies, and why Chris was the dreamiest of them all. His hair and eyes were a big selling point, apparently, and as Parker listened to the teenager drone on, she couldn't help but wonder if Chris Hemsworth used box dye too.
So wrapped up in her own world of book sorting, Parker didn't notice when the front door opened with a tinkle of the bell until the shop went eerily quiet. Melissa, it seemed, had finally found a reason to shut up.
"I never liked Chris all that much," Parker said as she slowly gathered the KEEP bin and hefted it off the floor. Her lower back ached at the strain. Jesus, maybe I am old. Moving towards the front counter, she continued musing, "There's something about him in the first Thor movie, when his eyebrows were all bleached, that kind of turned me off. I think there's a word for that, right? The ew or something...."
She spots Melissa first.
The girl is sitting upright in the chair now, face flushed a deep scarlet red with a book held tightly in her lap as she pretends to read through it. Her phone and vape are nowhere to be seen, and she doesn't so much as glance up when Parker strides by.
"What happened to you?" she asks with an amused quirk of the brow. Melissa doesn't respond, and Parker turns to set the heavy box of books on the front counter when she spots the other person in the room. "Oh, sorry. I was in the back. Can I help—?"
It shouldn't surprise her as much as it does, but Parker blinks to find Tom Ryder standing on the other side of the counter staring at her with raised brows.
Tom fucking Ryder.
He looks better than the last time she ran into him. He has a nice tan going underneath a funky pair of yellow sunglasses that are, in her opinion, too big for his face. They look a little absurd with the whitewashed denim jacket he's wearing, but the yellow matches the bedazzled t-shirt he has on underneath, so she suspects it's some sort of fashion statement. Paired with an expensive pair of well-polished boots, it all looks quite absurd standing in the middle of her dilapidated bookstore.
Even more so when Parker realizes she's wearing nothing but a pair of cheap cargo shorts and an oversized Twilight sweatshirt that was covering the coffee-stained shirt underneath. (Team Jacob, always).
"Tom. Um... are you looking for Colt or something?"
In typical Ryder fashion, he ignores her question entirely to do a slow spin; blue eyes tinted by his glasses trailing over everything in sight. She can feel the judgement from across the counter, and when he finally fixes his sights back on her, his smirk is rage inducing. "This is your store. Seriously?"
Parker promptly plants her hands onto her hips with a scathing glare.
"Ok, what do you want?"
"Jesus, no wonder this place is empty," he drawls, a pointed smile tossed towards Melissa's prone form as he leans an elbow onto the counter. At being noticed, the teenager ducks her head behind the spine of her book as if she had just been caught doing something she wasn't supposed to. "Do you talk to all your customers like that?"
"Just the assholes," she retorts. Over Tom's shoulder she catches Melissa's book dropping down two inches, and the girl's face is completely aghast.
What are you doing! she mouths, that's Tom Ryder!
Parker rolls her eyes. As if she didn't know who the blinged-out asshole standing in her store was. Speaking of—he's still standing there smirking at her. "That's you, if I wasn't clear. Don't let the door hit you on the way out."
Tom snorts. "I think I got that after the fifth time you said it."
"And yet..." she gestures vaguely to him, then to her store.
Because he's never behaved like a normal person, however, Tom doesn't seem to mind the insult or the offhand comment that she didn't want to deal with him. Instead, he smiles while his gaze drifts from judging the bookstore to judging Parker. He gives her a glance over—up, down, lingering on her oversized sweatshirt, before going back up—and finishes with a snort. "If the door hits me, I'm suing for damages, and I doubt you could afford the lawsuit. Let alone a lawyer."
God! What. a. fucking. asshole!
Parker bites back the insult knowing that it won't do any good. They've played this game before, and clearly being called an asshole seemed to have lost some of its bite over the weeks. So instead, she forcefully returns her attention to the cardboard box and slowly starts sorting the books into categories. "Fine. Can you just tell me what you want so I can get back to my life?"
He shifts against the counter and over the mustiness she catches a waft of his cologne when he grabs a book at random from her pile. "Why else do people come to a bookstore? I want a book."
Parker snorts. "Yeah, sure. Whatever. Seriously, what do you want?"
There's a moment of silence. She glances up to find him pointedly ignoring her as he flips through the book at random.
"You're... serious?"
He shrugs. "You said you have a bunch of sci-fi books."
"I'm surprised you even remember that given the whole," she sticks a finger into her mouth and mimes throwing up. He doesn't find it funny or cute and responds with a disgusted glare. Parker rolls her eyes with a shake of the head. "It was a—never mind. Why not order off of Amazon? I thought you said you've never even been to a bookstore before?"
This time, it's his turn to roll his eyes. He drops the book with a thwack before turning his attention to the overstuffed bookshelves at her left. At random, he starts ambling towards one. "You should be flattered that I picked your little store to start. Most people would kill to say that you know. Tom Ryder explores rundown bookstore in the shitty side of LA. If you had a picture, the paps would run it in every paper by tomorrow morning," he huffs.
"Yeah, I'll be sure to document this monumental occasion forever," she snarks, but follows after him anyway. His pattern is half-hearted; poking books here and there, glancing for hardly a second, before moving on. "And my store isn't rundown. It just has some... character."
He snorts over his shoulder. "That's what a Mom says when her daughter is ugly."
"Don't you go through PR training or something?" she scoffs as he diverts to a different aisle. "I can't imagine Gail would like to hear that particular opinion if I sold it to TMZ."
"Gail would sue you for everything you own," he laughed while flipping through an old copy of Gone with the Wind. Parker crosses her arms at him with a glare, and in response Tom flashes a too-white smile at her. "She freaked out about the mink rug, by the way. Was screaming and everything. It was hilarious."
Parker's heart stopped in her chest, but when there was no continuation of the joke—haha I can't wait to see you served with papers!—she furrowed her brows at him. "You didn't tell her it was my fault?"
A shrug as he shoved the book against her chest.
She huffed, turning the book over to check for damages, but when he turned his back... well, a part of her did wonder why he would keep that a secret if it was such a big deal. Was it to be nice? Or so he could hold it over her head indefinitely? Then again, if this was his attempt at blackmail, letting it go for two weeks seemed like the wrong way to go about it.
Deciding not to linger on unsolvable riddles, Parker returned the book to the end cap he had found it on and asked, "so, does this mean you've decided to audition for that sci-fi part after all?"
Her question went unanswered as Tom paused in front of the SEX & SEXUALITY section. He pulled a wrinkled copy of Fifty Shades of Grey off the shelf and waggled his brows at her pointedly. "Keeping the good stuff for yourself, huh?"
Parker responded by snagging the book out of his hand and stuffing it back into place. "You break it, you buy it applies here too, Ryder."
"Half this place is broken," he said with a pointed glance at the flickering overhead light. "I still can't believe you own this shithole."
"I happen to love this bookstore—"
"Oh, trust me, I can believe that you would own a bookstore," he said, and while there was nothing insulting about owning a bookstore on its own, the way that Tom spoke made it clear that owning a bookstore was not something he held in high regard. Then again, he spent all his time reading shitty scripts, so what would he know? "I just can't believe that you would own this bookstore. Like, you actually paid money for this place?"
"If you have to know, I used to be friends with the owner, and got a good deal on the property," she started to explain. He raised his brows at her while slowly perusing the RELIGION section, and Parker shook herself. She didn't need to explain anything to him of all people. The reminder helped her find some confidence, and she fluttered her hands at him irritably. "You know what—I don't need to explain myself to you. You've never even been to a bookstore before. What would you know about making sacrifices for something you believed in?"
Tom paused in his search. She saw his jaw clench, and eyes droop towards the creaky wooden floor beneath his shiny boots, and his comment from the other day drifted back to mind.
"You can be a real asshole sometimes, too, he had said.
And while guilt did block her throat up a bit—fucking asshole couldn't even let her defend herself without feeling bad about it—this time he didn't make any such reprimands. Instead, he just shrugged, before diving deeper into the store.
He cleared his throat. "I just expected it be nicer coming from you."
"Does something about me secretly scream rich girl to you?"
Tom harrumphed. "Trust me, no one is mistaking you for rich. Uptight, however..."
"Oh, ha, hilarious, Tom. God! You're such an asshole," she laughed, but it was a mean sound, paired with a mean insult. It failed to have the desired effect, however. In fact, Tom seemed to have shifted from hating the insult to owning it and looked far too amused for her liking. Frustrated, Parker decided the best plan of extermination was a straightforward shot. Through gritted teeth, she asked, "...what kind of sci-fi book do you want?"
The rhinestones on his shoulders sparkled as he shrugged. "I don't know. I need to understand what gets nerds so fucking excited about this shit. Not too nerdy, though. Alright? I'm not trying to be a Trekkie or whatever."
There were so many things wrong with that statement that Parker wasn't sure what to pick first. So, she pinched the bridge of her nose to point out, "I have a feeling the so-called nerds making up your potential fanbase aren't going to appreciate being talked about like that."
"Who's gonna tell them—you?" he asked with a derisive glance over.
It was definitely true what they said about Tom Ryder; his effect on women was instantaneous. Parker just doubted the tabloids were talking about migraines.
"The sci-fi section is on the right," she sighed while pushing past him. It was one of the larger sections she had; it hadn't been a lie to say the books weren't selling all that well despite being her favorite. "What have you read before?"
The blank look he gave her was response enough.
"Ah, right, maybe... Altered Carbon?"
"Isn't that a tv show?"
"Well, yeah, but it was a book first."
He glanced at the book in her hand, but clearly wasn't impressed. Leaning on the shelf, he said, "why the hell would I read that if I could just watch it?"
"Sound logic," she tutted with a narrow eyed look. Parker returned the book with an eyeroll. "Fahrenheit 451?"
"Read it in high school. Not impressed."
She trailed the shelf while muttering, listing books in her head before subconsciously crossing them off the list of something he was likely to read and enjoy. "I guess that means you wouldn't like The Illustrated Man or The Martian Chronicles," she said to herself.
His arm brushed her aside to pluck out a familiar novel. "Nerds love this," he said while already flipping through the pages. She was surprised the size didn't scare him off immediately.
"Nu-uh. No way," she shook her head.
"Dune is not a starter book."
He furrowed his brows crossly. "You don't think I'm smart enough to read this shit or something?"
You shouldn't ask questions you don't want the answers to, her mother's voice echoed in the back of her head.
"Reading Dune as your first sci-fi book is like jumping straight into the deep end," she told him in a much more diplomatic approach. "If a sixteen year old wants to start drinking, you don't give him scotch, you give him a fruity cocktail."
Tom huffed; first through his nose and then through his mouth but stuffed the book back onto the shelf anyway. To which Parker then had to put it back on the correct shelf with a huff of her own.
"Don't be a baby and just trust me that Dune isn't a starter book. Okay?"
"Well—what is? You're supposed to be the expert here."
"If you weren't so picky it would be a lot easier..." she deadpanned but returned to her search anyway. Tom didn't seem to like waiting, and scowled at her as she shifted past him. She ignored him as best she could while squatting down to the lower shelves. "Arthur C. Clarke is one of the best sci-fi writers. He established a lot of rules that still exist in writing today. And films."
Parker pulled one of his novels, before moving towards Asimov, and then finally to Sagan. They were all slimmer novels than Dune, but no less complicated.
"Contact is my favorite," she said, shoving the books into Tom's arms. His denim was rough on her hands, and she tried not to think about how feverishly warm his skin had been the last time she had been this close to him. Swallowing, Parker remained on task. "But any of these should be good starter books for you to get into sci-fi with."
He glanced at the choices warily. "My audition is next week."
"Then I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to finish these if you're really serious about wanting to get that role," she chirped.
Together, they wound back towards the front counter. The TRASH boxes sat in the middle of the aisle, and she carefully toed them to the side before trailing past. While she was pretty sure he had been joking about suing her, a workplace hazard was the last thing she needed.
"How do you remember all of this?"
"Where stuff is? I spend almost all of my time arranging books. I'm uptight, remember?"
She felt more than saw his eyeroll. "These books, the authors. You, like, know everything about them."
Parker paused. It definitely wasn't a compliment, but it definitely felt like it could have been. Then again, this was Tom Ryder. When she glanced up from the counter, she found that he already has his nose back in his phone, and the conundrum of compliment versus not was thrown out the window. Parker shot him an unimpressed look to say, "please tell me that you're not on SparkNotes right now."
It was his turn to pause. "I'm just... reading the descriptions."
"Maybe that's why you can't understand why nerds like these books," she argued, hands planted firmly on her hips now. "Why would I go to watch one of your movies if I already looked the plot up on Wikipedia?"
He ignored her point entirely to smirk. "So, you do see my movies?"
"Goodbye, Tom."
"Relax. I'm not going to spoil them, alright? What's the fun in that when I could read them instead, and then leave you a bad review when the books end up being awful?"
"You mean have your assistants leave me a bad review."
He didn't seem impressed at the jab but didn't defend himself either. Most likely because they both knew she was right. Parker shot him a smug smile that he promptly rolled his eyes at. "Hilarious. Just tell me how much the books cost so I can leave before stepping on a rusty nail or something."
"Didn't you see the sign out front? Can't come in without a tetanus shot due to liability reasons."
There was a noise that sounded suspiciously like a laugh, but when she glanced up at him, Tom was wiping a hand down his face. "How much for the books, smartass?"
Parker was pretty sure she could upsell him. There was no way that he knew those three books, decades old with ripped pages, were only worth fifteen bucks together. And with all the Gucci name brand bullshit that he wore, she was pretty sure she could get away with telling him the price was a hundred dollars and he wouldn't even blink an eye.
But he was also a customer, a somewhat work acquaintance, and someone she really didn't want to hang around any longer than necessary. Not to mention her brother's pseudo boss, and someone that knew she was guilty of wrecking a far more expensive rug than she could ever pay to fix.
"Just consider them a loan," she said before she could second guess herself. When Tom raised his eyebrows so high they disappeared into his hairline, she waved a hand at him while half-heartedly returning to her job of book sorting. "If you're that put-off by it you can always pay me an agent's fee if you get the part."
He stared at her for a long moment, not necessarily computing, definitely hearing static, before Tom spared her an over-the-top eyeroll that surely had to have hurt to perform.
From his pocket he pulled out a couple of crumpled bills and slapped them onto the counter. He didn't even look at how much money it was. Just shook his head at her, glasses bobbing on his nose, before he was on his way out the door.
"Hey! Don't you want your change—?"
The door shut with a ting.
On the counter sat seventy-three dollars. Parker wasn't sure if she should be offended or complimented.
From outside there was the sound of an obnoxiously loud car engine revving, alongside the thrum of music, before it tore off down the street.
"What a fucking asshole," she grumbled with the shake of her head.
But it wasn't exactly an asshole thing to do, when she thought about it. And she would know; every exchange they had since being introduced had Tom acting like an asshole to her.
Or, well, not every exchange. Not when he had been, almost, nice to her at Gail's party, if only for a few moments when no one else was around.
"OH. MY. GOD!" a shrill voice shrieked across the store, bouncing off of bookshelves, as two boots went crashing towards the window. Parker was reminded in no gentle terms that they had not, in fact, been alone when Melissa smudged her face against the glass to peer out onto the street. "Holy shit! That was Tom Ryder! Tom Ryder! Are you kidding me right now? TOM. RYDER."
"Yeah, Jesus, I know who that was," she winced, pinching her ear when she thought the girl's high pitch yelp may have burst an eardrum. There was definitely a ringing as Melissa tromped around.
"You—he—I can't believe after all of this time you never once mentioned that you're friends with Tom freaking Ryder!" she squeaked.
"Well, hang on, we're not—"
"How long have you known him? How do you know him? Do you have his phone number? Ohmygod everyone is going to flip when I tell them that you know him. Tom Ryder!" Melissa shouted, phone already in hand as she started typing. "My friend, my dear friend and favorite bookstore owner, is best friends with Tom Ryder! Did you see his latest movie, Good Cop, Bad Dog? Ugh! He's so hot!"
"We're not friends," she said immediately, not even bothering to dispute the fact that Good Cop, Bad Dog was a puff piece in an attempt to market him for younger fans. "He's actually kind of an asshole."
The teenager shot Parker a scandalized look, mouth popped open into an O as her brows lifted to her hairline. "What? Are you kidding me right now? He just drove all the way out here to ask for your recommendation for a sci-fi book! His house is, like, fifty minutes from here with traffic. Don't call him that when you just became so cool."
Parker frowned. "How do you know where he lives?" she asked, before adding with much more intensity, "hang on a second, am I not cool?"
But Melissa was already moving on, the sound of facetime dialing on her phone as she darted back outside in hopes of catching another glimpse of the celebrity. Parker, in response, caught her head between her hands with a low groan.
And yet, she couldn't help but think about what Melissa said.
Tom Ryder was a total, grade-A asshole... right?
She cast a despondant glance towards the crumpled bills on the counter, then the box of books at her side, before fishing her phone out of her back pocket, and pressing the second number on speed dial.
"Hey," she said, "do you want to get, like, really drunk tonight?"
Colt didn't bother to ask why before he was checking what ingredients he had in his fridge and offering to invite Jody and Dan over for dinner. Sometimes, she really loved her brother.
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ilikereadingthisiswhatilike · 4 months ago
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(X) = Smut
Heavy Metal Family Agatha Harkness
Forget her @lovedrruunk  Summary: In which you get played by your situationship. Jinx thinks you deserve better anyway Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Jinx
AFLAME @vxsellie (X) Summary: your apartment goes up in flames and you're unlucky enough to have been on the top floor, your front door blocked by fire. thankfully, a certain firefighter finds you before it's too late Warnings: None Specials Tags: Multi Part, Fire Fighter AU Ellie Williams
again &. again @acid-ixx Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: Multi Part Batfamily
Soulmate Soul Animal @darkstaria Summary: Dark pupils watched from the ceiling, their gaze affixed upon you. You sighed, deciding to ignore its presence. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Multi Part, Soulmate au Batfamily
Come to Bed, Jinx @ha-rinrin Summary: After days of sleepless nights and drowning herself in Silco’s unfinished business, Jinx’s exhaustion is overwhelming.  Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Jinx
Right where you left me @space-cowgirllll Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: Major Angst Abby Anderson
FORTUNE @lotties-ashwagandha Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: Head canon Rogue Amendiares
PRIVACY @lotties-ashwagandha (X) Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Panam Palmer
Jealous @hanako-arasakas-twink Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: Head canons Panam Palmer
house wife @witchesverse (X) Summary: after wanda meets you in her hex, she decides that she wants to keep you as her own. Warnings: noncon, heavy manipulation, degradation, mention of murder Specials Tags: Head canons Wanda Maximoff
Oh darling, will you still walk me home? @joannasprose Summary: helping out a reserved, and distant Violet after a pit fight and her unrelenting absence. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Vi
tickets @babygirlwritessmut Summary: Vi`s weird behavior bothered you, later she decided to have a serious conversation about the future of your relationship Warnings: None Specials Tags: grumpy x sunshine Vi
Hurt @jgrills Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: Platonic Vi
Torn Between Fire and Ice @ha-rinrin Summary: In a world divided between Piltover’s rules and Zaun’s chaos, a forbidden connection grows. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Caitlyn's Little Sister Jinx
bratty sub @ha-rinrin (X) Summary: bratty sub jinx x dom fem!reader Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Jinx
Sweet Distractions @ha-rinrin Summary: In the quiet of a lonely night, a familiar chaos slips through the window Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Jinx
Backburner @prowresfics Summary: You get fed up with being pushed to the back of Rhea's mind and confront her. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Rhea Ripley
First Bite @ripleyresonance Summary: How does a hook-up turn into an eternity with fangs. You may not know much about this world, but sometimes one bite is all it takes. Warnings: Blood, Murder Specials Tags: Vampire Au, Vampire Hunter Au Rhea Ripley
Left To Face This Alone Together @specialinterestshows Summary: Rhea’s girlfriend (reader) and Damian’s girlfriend (OC) don’t often get a reprieve from their abusive partners, but when they’re left without supervision, their imaginations run wild Warnings: Domestic violence/abusive relationship mention Specials Tags: Mutli Part Rhea Ripley
Let Go @official-cvntified-gay (X) Summary: Sub!AD and Dom!Reader Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Alcina Dimistriscu
Drain Me @r3starttt (X) Summary: Sub!AD and Dom!Reader Warnings: Blood Specials Tags: Vampire Au, Stalking Au Caitlyn
hunting&f*cking @theresascove (X) Summary: you feel her presence drawing closer. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Pray Au Ellie Williams
oh baby, can you hear me moan @girlrotterr (X) Summary: You come home earlier than usual to find your roommates door slightly ajar. You can’t help but peek inside. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Roommate Au Ellie Williams
you know how I love it when you ride on me @theresascove(X) Summary: Ellie fucks you in the locker room showers while her teammate is chatting to her in a nearby shower Warnings: None Specials Tags: College AU Ellie Williams
Giving In (to the Love): Townie @venusindelusion Summary: If you thought you had terrible luck before, tonight will definitely prove that your life is jinxed when a misunderstanding with a pink haired girl makes your college life a little more difficult. Warnings: None Specials Tags: College Au, Mutli Part Vi
BLOMSTERTID @mo0nfairy  Summary: Centuries-old mage, Y/N L/N, possesses magical abilities unheard of. A few citizens monopolize the remnants of magic they find, of which they now title “Hextech”. Hearsay of this power bleeds through all of Runeterra, until Piltover and Zaun find themselves in an anarchic war to obtain said power. Before Y/N can even blink, however, the humans neglect their plans when they realize they’d rather have Y/N instead. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Mutli Part, Arcane x reader
Halloween Heartbeat @thetorturedfagdepartment Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: Halloween Au Ellie Williams
nosferatu @themidnightcrimson (X) Summary: after wanda meets you in her hex, she decides that she wants to keep you as her own. Warnings: noncon, blood, supernatural, horror, gore, Specials Tags: Vampire Au Wanda Maximoff
Arcadia @multifandomme (X) Summary: When you think about Alcina, you just can't help yourself... but you soon discover that her self-control is as flimsy as your own. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Alcina Dimistriscu
𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝚰𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐃𝚰𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐄𝐑 @les4elliewilliams (X) Summary: None Warnings: mention of blood/murders, drugs usage Specials Tags: Ghost Face Au Ellie Williams
GhostFace @r3starttt (X) Summary: None Warnings: Gun Play Specials Tags: Ghost Face Au CaitVi
Arcadia @multifandomme (X) Summary: Alcina disrupts your maiden duties to engage in a little fun. Warnings: None Specials Tags: None Alcina Dimistriscu
Use ful less Child @maicenitas Summary: In your attempt to help your mom, everything goes as wrong as it possibly can Warnings: Child Abuse Specials Tags: Multi Part Batfamily
Picture Imperfect @ripleyresonance Summary: Your ex-girlfriend shows up at your engagement party. Will old habits die hard or the wish of a stable life prevail. Warnings: None Specials Tags: Ex-girlfriend Au Rhea Ripley
Mafia @savannahsdeath (X) Summary: None Warnings: None Specials Tags: Mafia Au Ellie Williams
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thesilversoutheastern · 1 year ago
Welcome to the Silver Southeastern Railway!
Ran by @caramellvibecheck, this little fleet of characters was made cause...why not? I don't know, the idea had me hostage for 3-4 months.
I'm not use to making introductions, but I do want to put some starter info here just in case:
I am a young adult who simply likes the RWS, Thomas and Friends, and anything related to TTTE. Anything else will be on my main blog.
I like shitposts and memes
I work with mature themes, so don't be surprised if you see some mature stuff and swear words here.
I have a hard time getting things done, so writing chapters can take a long time for me. Doesn't help that I'm in college atm- I'll try to be active, but it can be hard for me to handle my outside-of-internet life.
I block spammers. Please for the love of God don't spam asks. If I have already replied to the ask, I will link to it.
My stories uses premises seen in @asktrio516's human-engines, such as their strength, the option to eat, and leg wheels when in human form. This does not mean in any way I'm ripping off or such, I just enjoy and agree with those aspects that I incorporate them into my stories. Plus, I feel it gives a way of thanking her for being one of my main sources of inspiration when making this.
Now some basic questions in case I have to repeat myself:
Who's your favorite engine(s)?
Edward, Diesel, Murdoch, and Duncan.
2. What made you create this blog and get into TTTE?
Mostly because I stumbled onto @asktrio516's blog one day and then watched a lot of Unlucky Tug afterwards. I remember seeing the show as a kid, and I did remember liking it. I was mostly curious if the fandom was still kicking, and it was, as it kicked me into the rabbit-hole you are now reading.
3. Do you do art?
Not really, mostly I use Hero's Forge for visual references and write about additional factoids. I'll more likely commission someone than anything.
4. Is there a focused time where the SSER takes place?/Do you focus on the books, model era, or cgi era?
I'm not sure? BWBA and AEG does not exist in this, cause fuck Mattel, but otherwise not really? I will make a solid timeline though, as I do enjoy a timeline that doesn't mess stuff up. Character development will also be important for me, so it could depend on how I want to write out the arcs. WW2 stuff will be mentioned, alongside certain years, but it defiantly won't be modern times where cellphones and Tumblr exists. Best point I can place, if it was in a time where the SSER really kick in, it is in the surrounding years of dieselization.
If I had to pick an era for my blog...I'll be pulling from all the sources I can get, so I can fully understand the character and work from there. I will do my best to stay faithful to the source, but this is my story to tell. My biggest difference would defiantly be from TATMR, but I will still incorporate aspects from it.
5. Is there magic in this AU?
YES! Cry as I might, I still have a soft spot for TATMR.
Their main ability is to shift from engine to human forms thanks to Lady and her Golden Dust. All engines do have to be taught on how to use their abilities, but do know basic aspects of themselves (their build, basic functions, emotions, etc.). Certain aspects of their work before interacting with the Dust however, such as war, can also cause a variety of additional knowledge, such as having the ability to talk in multiple languages with little or no difficulty. Think of it as like reading to a baby before they are born. If asked what they did before the Dust was introduced, they can only remember events as a hazy dream or have no memory of it at all.
An example of this would be Oswald. He was built in America and was sent to Europe to aid in the war efforts, mostly staying in France with both English-speaking and French-speaking men working on him. Because of this, he is able to understand and speak both French and English when awoken by the Dust. He also knows he helped the Allies by pulling trains in France, but doesn't know what exactly was on his train or what occurred during.
I'm working on a story or Lady & D10, but it is going to take time so bare with me on it. Also there is such a thing as ghosts in my stories, so other mystical creatures could be seen as well.
6. What happens to and engine when they get hurt?
I go with @asktrio516's take on this, in that they can bleed a dark blood that never runs out. The blood, depending on the engine though, is different when compared: Steam engine blood is thinner or more watery to a diesel engine, which has more of an oily sheen when spilt. This also goes for other liquids too. It doesn't mean that either blood type has a negative affect on them, but it's treated similar to how humans learned not to mix blood types together.
Injuries also apply similarly, except for three key factors:
If an injury is grave enough, the ability to shift between forms is stopped until repairs or natural healing has occurred. A paper cut for example won't stop shifting, but the aftermath from a high-speed derailment or a broken limb can.
Golden Dust helps speed up the healing process, but it can still take weeks before shifting is allowed again.
Because of this, engines are required to have at least one human with them, nicknamed 'Drivermen' by the engines. They see them as a 2-in-1 of the driver and fireman roles. The engines themselves can still fuel themselves and work on their own fine, but if a injury occurs or if they need someone to go get help, the driverman would be there to fill in that need.
7. Do the engines have rights?
Well...engines aren't innately seen as people in my story. Mostly it depends on the Controller involved. Some can be father-like, like the Fat Controller or the Old Silver Controller, and others will scrap an engine without a second thought. Many do support the engines, but by a full-blown political/legal stance, they got nothing aiding them. They are seen as a sort of like pet. Very expensive pets that can talk.
All engines do want to work though, as it gives them value, but they see no use in things such as money (unless they like collecting it or something). They might be rewarded for good work with better coal or something the engine may want, but again, that is dependent on the controller the engine is working with.
Links (Will add more as time goes on):
The Silver Fleet
The Story of Lady
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totentnz · 1 year ago
pinned post time (remake)
used to be drthamen 
sammy, 28 (may 13th), germany, nb biace, they/them
multifandom but currently focused on cyberpunk (clearly)
info about the main OCs under the cut
since i cant seem to link tags properly im just gonna list them, im so sorry fellas
cyberpunk 2077
V full name: valerie jeanne evans scene lifepath: streetkid, "netrunner" faceclaim: royal and the serpent other: pinterest board | spotify playlist info: the "small-time klepto punk from the afterlife", "the dirtgirl from heywood who found the guts to walk a few extra blocks from home" this how kerry & johnny describe streetkid v and that is exactly what she is. a troubled past, present and future, constantly pissed off with some bad habits. she's been a merc since she can remember but also had some "normal" odd jobs: repairshop for electronics, waiting tables, customer service and many others. she was the lead singer of rotten, a nu metal/ alt-metal band from night city that was doomed to fail thanks to aforementioned lead singer. she's always had a knack for technology so hacking badges and corpos came naturally to her. most people call her a netrunner, a pet-peeve of hers since it's not what she technically does. that being said, she doesnt shy away from physical altercations either though it usually ends in getting her ass beat. v spent her two years in atlanta with her brother vincent, he had convinced her to get out of nc for awhile in hopes it would help on her healing journey but the city has and always will have an iron grip on her. temperance is her canon ending (for now). while it seems nonsensical at first glance she wasn't going to take johnny's chance at a second life away from him just for her to die within months. besides, she would adapt to life behind the blackwall better than he ever could. v was always going to die young, might as well die for love, right? tags: -> otp; just the two of us - my personal flavour of silverv brainrot -> otp; mary on a cross - v & dagger (more below) -> otp; the ghost of you - v & lou (more below) -> p; a little bit happy - v & vincent -> p; my ordinary life - v & kerry -> p; rise rebel resist - rotten, the band she used to be in -> au: watch the world burn - 2020s AU -> au: generation doom - 2020s AU but more messed up -> au: say yes to heaven - happy AU johnny where gets a body, v lives, they are dating and kerry & v are best friends relations: -> vincent - twin brother also rotten's bass player -> dagger - band's lead guitarist and her ex also obsessed with kerry eurodyne (because im annoying like that) -> lou - dead ex, every day i inch closer to just scratching this ngl -> freddie - drummer of rotten, if v = johnny then freddie = kerry but ten times worse (they actually hate each other) might be kovachek's son idk sometimes i have silly ideas -> krasny - plays second guitar in the band, lowkey the mom of the friend group, will break up the fights between v & freddie, calls v a psychopath regularily Vincent (big WIP so there isnt much) full name: vincent raphael evans other: pinterest board info: same backstory as v, obviously. but unlike her he managed to heal to some extend; the polar opposite of what she is: he is happy, kind and believes that there is good in this world. moved to atlanta at some point to get away from the place and the people who hurt him (parents and v). v introduced him to the love of his life kerry and romance ensues, he even comes back to night city for a while. (i will be real with you the reason i made him initially was to romance kerry) not technically a "v" but i really dont care if you call him that. tags: -> otp; industry baby - did you know kerry and vincent are in love? relations: -> dagger - his bestie for some time, unlucky his sister broke her heart but they are still in contact -> freddie - had a crush on the band's drummer but things were messy enough already so nothing ever happened -> alexa - daughter, vincent & kerry had twins in my sims game so naturally they become somewhat canon. overachiever, became a lawyer -> rico - child (alexa's twin), rebellious nb disaster, gamer, lived in their parents house for a bit too long -> valonia - daughter, spoiled youngest child, named after v, kerry's favourite
dragon age
Athras - dragon age: inquisition full name: athras lavellan origin: dalish elf, mage (ice magic & shapeshifting) other: pinterest board | spotify playlist info: athras never wanted to eventually lead her clan so when the keeper sent her to the conclave she gladly accepted. the chaos that ensued and her becoming inquisitor, thus being responsible for so many more people really put that into perspective. she wears the dirthamen vallaslin but it extends down her arms and back, in hopes that it will help with her messed up spine (scoliosis girls rise) and enhance her magic capabilities. clan lavellan specialised in potion brewing and it's a craft she follows proudly since she has zero affinity for healing magic, which is one of the main tasks for a clans first and keeper. (she might not like leadership, but she still wants to be useful to her clan) her magic manifested as ice but later on she adapted the long lost art of shapeshifting. her preferred form is that of a raven with a wolf coming in a close second. looks lowkey evil with her dark hair, pale skin, SUPER tall stature (2m) and red eyes. she likes it that way since it makes her less approachable. doesn't like most people and hates very few. tags: -> otp; dream collector - i am forever stuck in solavellan hell -> otp; let's get this bread - after inquisiton athras builds a home in the woods and falls in love with a baker in the nearest village, their name is morgan (the shipname was a placeholder) -> otp; running with the wolves - her first big love, a dalish from another clan who happens to be a werewolf, his name is ilvin -> au: nas'taron - athras takes a nap in a temple and wakes up with dirthamen in her bones, they also fuck (can you believe i wrote "what if you fell in love with the person living in your head" before cyberpunk came out because i cant) -> au: the mad inquisitor - in order to find solas and bring him to justice she injects herself with red lyrium (#girlfail) -> au: professor lavellan - modern au duh -> au: all alone in a pack of wolves - after deciding to stop solas at all costs it finally comes to a confrontation but she caves in and saves his life at the cost of her own, she wakes up in his base of operations -> au: dhru'an'adal - ancient elvhen AU (the emerald graves grow around her sleeping body btw) -> au: dinathe'dirthelan - harpy AU i never did anything with and was inspired by my friend who did a similar au (hello reed) relations: -> mareloen - mother, she left clan lavellan not long after athras was born, she would visit when they were in the area -> rasdheas - father, lowkey a vampire, don't ask me how he dresses like that, has a lame leg -> fisara - sister, joins her at haven after the conclave because she was concerned. rogue/ bard, falls in love with josie -> deshanna - keeper of the clan and thus athras' teacher (also her aunt since mareloen is her sister), wears a plague doctor mask all the time, a little weird even for clan lavellan standards -> ilvin - her first big love i mentioned before, sort of becomes warden at some point lol -> morgan - the baker i mentioned before, they leave athras somewhat abruptly, might be my dreadwolf protag who knows -> agrippa - athras finds an abandoned child in the woods near her house post trespasser, turns out he is a mage and obviously in need of tutelage, another candidate for dreadwolf protag
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iguessigotta · 2 years ago
Eddie gluskin with a pregnant darling maybe
you know what's funny about Eddie Gluskin being one of my faves? i am terrified of pregnancy just headcanons for now - this ended up being more an exploration of the inherent horror of this situation than anything shippy, whoops. also kind of an au where Waylon does not survive his encounter with Eddie 18+ just in case CW: injuries, noncon, hostage, pregnancy, suicide mention cannibalism(?) probably more i missed. (no r*** - it is alluded to tho) i mean it's Eddie. the man is a walking billboard for "dead dove do not eat" ok lmao
being Eddie’s darling wife was a living nightmare
you’d been one of the few employees allowed near Eddie, and he’d developed a….thing…for you. well, not you, really, more the idea of you
and when the Mount Massive asylum fell into chaos, you were one of the unlucky people trapped inside
when Eddie found you he was quick to make his image of you your new reality
whether you wanted it or not
you’d initially fought him at every turn. unfortunately, Eddie had a temper, and was prone to snapping with no warning
you’d learned that lesson the hard way - your forearm was still in a makeshift splint, a dull ache where he’d fractured the bone in a fit of anger. or had he broken it? you weren’t sure. all you knew is it hurt like hell and made it nearly impossible for you to fight back
after that incident, you thought keeping your head down and quietly obeying him was the smart choice. that you’d be safe enough to ride out this mess until someone arrived to help
you had to believe that someone was coming. you told yourself you’d be rescued within the week, that there was no way a facility as large as Mount Massive could go down in flames like this without someone noticing
days turned into weeks, weeks into months (how many had it been? 3? 4?)
every night you sat, ankles bound to your chair at the end of some wobbly, bloodstained table, Eddie at the opposite end, a makeshift dinner spread between the two of you
occasionally there would be some sort of meat among the sawdust-flavored rations - Eddie was always vague when you asked him what kind of meat it was 
you resisted for the first month, but your resolve broke a week into the second, the hunger pains driving you to tears and forcing you to make a choice
so you ate. and you tried not to think about where he got it from
it was like the two of you playing some sick game of house
Eddie kept a close eye on you when he was around, restraining you when he wasn’t
you’d be tied to a chair. strapped down on your back atop some bloodstained hospital mattress. arms bound behind you, tied to a support beam and forced to sit on the cold concrete floor
all of it was miserable
Eddie said it was for your safety, but you knew better. especially after he’d found you with a knife you’d managed to get your hands on. he’d stopped you from trying to slash your own throat, spewing some bullshit about his darling preferring death over a blissful life as the proud mother of his many, many children 
 he wasn’t going to let you leave him in any way
some part of you thought about pleading with Eddie to “think of the baby” and untie you - but that only reminded you that you were, in fact, pregnant
and it was starting to show
whatever mental energy you could spare went to trying (and failing) to block that fact out of your mind
you felt like you were trapped in two horror stories simultaneously - one, enduring whatever Eddie decided to do to you on a daily basis, and two, the unwanted life growing inside you against your will
not to mention the mental anguish of what to do after the…birth. would you even survive that? would you want to? 
should  you try to raise and protect it? or would it be more merciful if you…
it was a horrifying decision to make, one that you flinched away from whenever you found yourself thinking about it
every day you wondered if it would be better to piss him off, have him kill you in a fit of rage. it wouldn't be hard to do, but for some reason the knowledge that you were pregnant stopped you
well, you told yourself, at least you got to skip Eddie’s “operation table”. all the men who came before you weren’t so lucky, if the video on that camera you found was to be believed….
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jeonbunnie · 3 years ago
stand by me
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pairing: reader x yoongi
anonymous requested: “could you do some min yoongi fluff with stand by me by ben e king?”
summary: yoongi becomes your knight in black leather.
genre: slight angst; fluff;
soundtrack: stand by me—bene e. king
content/warnings: childhood friends to strangers to friends again; gang!au; biker!yoongi/ cat calling; sexual harassment.  
a/n: I’m sure you weren’t expecting bikergang!yoongi for this request lol but that’s where my brain went I’m sorry lol. I hope it’s still cute for you ♡ 
word count: 1.5k
♪ No, I won't be afraid. Oh, I won't be afraid. Just as long as you stand, stand by me ♪
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Five minutes into your walk home and you already regretted the decision.
Girls night had started to turn into girls morning, and you weren’t exactly in the mood to stay out. Not wanting to ruin their fun, you bid your friends goodnight and made your way home. At first, you weren’t concerned about walking by yourself; The bar was only a couple blocks from your highrise apartment, and you’d be home in no time—fifteen minutes tops.
But now that you were alone with a cat-caller on your trail, you thought you should never have left in the first place. The man eyeing you from across the street put a shiver down your spine.
“Where you going, baby?”
In your head, you cursed your decision to wear a crop top and short dress tonight now that you’d been unlucky enough to gather unwanted attention. Fear told you not to respond. You did your best to keep your head down and avoid eye contact.
“Oh, come on, don’t ignore me, beautiful!”
It was so dark out; not even the sliver of moon could light your path home. Only one street light blinked on in the distance, but it was at least a block away.
You could hear his footsteps behind you, and your heartbeat quickened. You sped up your pace, too.
For a second, you were afraid. Your mind filled with all the terrible ways this night could end. So much could go wrong before you reached the safety of the light. More than anything, you wished you weren’t alone.
“I’m just trying to pay you a compliment!” said the stranger, persistent in his pursuit.
If you had to defend yourself, you would. You reached inside your purse, finding your pepper spray and gripping your keys between your fingers like talons, just in case.
And then suddenly, as if the universe heard your silent plea, you weren’t alone after all.
A deep voice rang out nearby. “I don’t think she’s interested.”
You’d know that voice anywhere.
Yoongi. Your Yoongi. The kid in your neighborhood who used to be your friend and your fiercest defender. At once, all your fears ceased. With Yoongi by your side, you’ve never had to be afraid.
He looked different now. Older. Serious. But undeniably handsome as he leaned back against a motorcycle. You don’t know how you missed it, too wrapped up in your thoughts to notice his bike parked on the side of the street. But you couldn’t be happier recognizing the sleek ‘7’ decal that marked the vehicle as belonging to one of the notorious gangs in the city.
“In fact,’ continued Yoongi, “I know she’s not interested.” Others might have been scared to have a member of Bangtan approach them, but relief washed over you as Yoongi came to stand by you, shielding you with his body from the unwelcome stranger. “But if you’re interested in keeping your pathetic excuse of a life, I’d suggest you walk away now.”
Maybe it was the look in Yoongi’s eyes, dark gaze glinting something dangerous as he stared down your offender. Or perhaps he, too, had noticed the warning sign glinting on the bike, but that was all it took for the man to run off, leaving you with your savior.
He wasn’t exactly a white knight, switching out the shining armor for a black leather jacket and jeans, but still, he left you breathless. Upclose you’re struck by the details of change: the piercings in his ear, the long shaggy hair, and most noticeably, the long, red scar that ran down his eye. So much about him had changed, but his dark gaze still seared you when your eyes met.
For a minute, it’s just quiet as you take each other in. Awkward silence sets in as you’re unsure what to say or where to begin. You’d thought of Yoongi many times and always imagined you’d be better put together the next time you met. So much time had passed, yet here you were, still a damsel in distress and seemingly no more confident.
Yoongi broke the silence first. “It’s been a while, huh? I see you still need me to look out for you.”
You rolled your eyes, even as your heart lightened hearing his usual banter. “For the record, I didn’t need your help back there. I was prepared to defend myself—”
“Uh huh, sure.”
“—But I’m glad I didn’t have to. Thank you,” you said, offering him a genuine smile.
Yoongi didn’t respond, shrugging off your thanks with a cool nod as he broke eye contact. But if you didn’t know any better, you’d think the pink warming his cheeks wasn’t just from the cool night air.
When his eyes returned to you, he cocked his head to the side, gaze flickering over your figure in a way that made you squirm.
After a long pause, he said, “You still look the same.”
You looked down at your hands, heart racing for the second time tonight for an entirely different reason. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
“Good. Definitely, good.”
The silence that slipped over you now didn’t feel awkward anymore. You looked back up at Yoongi, feeling comfortable in his presence, warm like the orange glow of the overhead streetlight. And just like that, you’re slipping into the time before. Memories of scraped knees, black eyes, wiped tears, and pastel bandaids. All the pain, laughter, and childhood nostalgia breathing in the space between you.
You know your family moved away with the best intentions: safer neighborhoods, better education, more opportunities. Maybe moving was for the best, but you’d left your heart with the boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Because you never really got over it—losing your best friend.
You wonder if it’s just you, all in your head with your one-sided feelings. But then Yoongi’s eyes softened, and you know it’s not all in your head. He felt it, too, the affinity that somehow lingered after all these years.
“Let me take you home,” said Yoongi, lips lifted in a half smile.
“Oh, that’s not necessary. I can make the rest of the way by myself.”
Yoongi narrowed his eyes. “Oh, I get it. Too good to be seen with someone like me on this side of town, huh?”
He’s teasing. But still, you panic a bit at the implication. “No, no!” you said, waving your hands. “That not— I just meant you don’t have to do that. I don’t want to put you out. I don’t mind being seen with you, honest—”
“Y/n,” he said, cutting you off. “Don’t you think I know you better than that? I’m just messing with you.”
You huffed out a sigh, both relieved and annoyed that he still could work you up like that. Yoongi just chuckled.
“You’re not a burden to me,” he said, leaning in to look you in the eyes. “I only asked to take you home because I wanted to.”
Yoongi walked over to his parked bike only to pause when he noticed you hesitating behind him. “What?”
You couldn’t help yourself; you had to ask: “Why are you being so nice to me?”
At that, Yoongi laughed, turning back to face you. “I’m sorry, should I not? Would you prefer it if I were an asshole?”
“It’s just,” you started suddenly feeling self-conscious. “You have no reason to be. It’s been years since we last talked. . .and I—”
Guilt kept you from saying what you were thinking out loud.
I left you behind.
You always felt ashamed you didn’t keep in touch with your friends from the past. Yoongi had every right to resent you for that, yet there was no animosity in his eyes as he looked at you.
Yoongi shook his head, seemingly reading your mind and all the doubts. “It doesn’t matter how long it’s been or how far you go. I’m always going to stand by your side. You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
Something about the sincerity of those words stunned you to tears. “Yoongi…”
Of course, he noticed the twinkle in your eyes. “You’re such a baby,” he reproached. But despite his admonishing words, you heard the grin in his voice.
“Come on,” he said, swinging a leg over his bike.
You could only watch him in awe, wondering how you could be so lucky to have someone like Yoongi return to your life.
“Darling,” he said, voice dipping low as he held up the helmet to his bike. “I’m not asking.”
You bite your lip, barely containing your grin, as you take the helmet from his grasp and hop on behind him.
“Give me your phone.”
You obeyed his command, watching as he saved his number in your contacts.
When he finished, Yoongi looked over his shoulder at you. “The next time you’re in trouble, call me, yeah?”
You nod, smiling softly to yourself as he checks the strap on your helmet. When satisfied with the fit, he turned around and started his bike, the vehicle roaring to life.
“Hold on tight,” he shouted, voice booming over the engine’s purr.
So you do. You wrapped your arms around Yoongi and rested your cheek against his strong back, breathing in his scent: leather, mint, and something else that reminded you of home. This time, no matter what curves life throws your way, you know you won’t let go.
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samwilsonshandsandass · 2 years ago
Some Bad Luck Makes Good Things Happen
Pairing: florist!Sam Wilson x reader Summary: You’re in search of a flower shop for a friend’s wedding. When the shop you chose is suddenly out of business, you literally run into your salvation. Will something more come of it? Warnings: none, it’s all fluff Word count: around 2K A/N: @hot-chocolates-world did a florist!Sam Wilson AU moodboard some months ago and I had the inspiration to write something with the moodboard in the back of my mind and I feel like there's not enough Sam Wilson AUs
A wedding in your friends circle was in the works and one of the brides, Mina, had asked those closest to her to help with preparations. On the list where things like flowers, color scheme with appropriate fabrics, pastries, cakes (specifically a different point than ‘pastries’) and flowers.
You volunteered yourself for the flowers, since there had just opened a flower shop around your blocks corner.
The flower shop around the corner seemed like it would make nice arrangements, since they had quite the selection on display. During your lunch break, you went there and promptly an employee asked if she could help you.
“Yes, I’m looking for a flower shop that can supply the wedding of a friend with fifteen flower arrangements.”
“Of course. You’ve come to the right place. I’ll show you what we could do on the tablet and if you like that, we can move on to the real thing and deliver them the day of.”
“That sounds nice. I thought of calla lilies, baby’s breath and pink roses.”
The employee showed you what she’d do and you agreed with her selection to move forward. Two days later, you got a call to see the example arrangement in the flesh. At the shop, the flowers looked every bit like you imagined them. You paid the deposit and were in high hopes for the wedding.
The wedding came closer and closer, only ten days now. Your stroll took you around the neighborhood to the flower shop but what you saw made you stop dead in your tracks. The store front was dark, the sign above the door was missing and the inside was devoid of anything. No flowers, no tables, no bowls, no register. Next morning, you tried calling and googling them. It seemed like they had never existed. You called your friend and explained what had happened and ended with the promise to try and get replacements. She agreed about it being unlucky but told you she was thankful for you trying to fix a mess you weren’t responsible for.
You had been able to get out of work early and took a stroll in the evening light. Deep in thought, you bumped into something soft.
“Oof.” Came from in front of you.
The man turned around.
“I’m so-“ You cut yourself off when you looked at his face.
“Don’t worry about it.” He brushed it off.
“I should’ve watched where I’m going.” You shook your head.
“Deep in thought?”
“A bit. I’m just wondering where to get flower arrangements for my friend’s wedding.”
The man grinned at that.
“What’s so funny?” You questioned.
“Look behind me for a second.”
You did and saw a store front with double doors. The shop was dark inside but the street light and setting sun cast light onto several baskets full of different flowers, tablets saying which and how many flowers cost what and some arrangements. Above the doors stood in colorful, romantic letters “Sam’s Flowers”.
“I’m guessing you’re Sam?” You chuckled.
“Bingo. And you are?”
“Y/N.” You held out your hand.
Sam shook it, after transferring a small flower bouquet to his left hand.
“Flowers for your date?”
“Nah, flowers for me. No date in sight, just a good bottle of wine and a home cooked meal for myself.”
“I won’t keep you then. Have a nice evening.” You waved your hand and went home, as did Sam, you supposed. You thought about where to get flower arrangements and after a few steps you turned around.
“Uhm, Sam?” You called out.
He turned around. “Yeah?”
“Usually, I don’t do that to people almost on their way home after work… but…”
“But you’re in dire need of flower arrangements?”
“Yes, is it that obvious?”
“Just a little bit” Sam chuckled, although you could hear it wasn’t with mal intent, “You’re not the first one to be in that situation.”
Sam was quiet for a few seconds, as were you. “Tell you what. I usually open at 10am.”
Your face fell a little. You had to be at work at that time and usually arrived a few minutes early. “That’s the time work starts for me as well.”
“But, if you’re here tomorrow at around 9am, I’ll see what I can do, okay?”
You thanked Sam and both of you went your separate ways home.
Close to 9am you stood in front of Sam’s Flowers and thought about Sam’s offer. Waking up earlier, paying more for electricity, just for that one customer with bad luck. Did he do that for everyone who was in a pinch? Or could you get your hopes up about this beautiful man who just happened to be a florist?
At 9am on the dot, Sam arrived at his shop. He unlocked the doors and let you in. “You didn’t wait too long, I hope?”
“Rather I wait than you wait for me, especially when you open earlier for me.”
Sam smiled over his shoulder at you.
“Gimme a minute and we can talk about the arrangements.”
Some minutes later (not that you counted the minutes in which you didn’t see this incredibly beautiful florist) Sam came out the back in a deep red apron with his store’s logo on the front and carrying two mugs. “I never start my workday without coffee. I got some flavor, milk and sugar around here if you’d like.”
You couldn’t help but smile and feel something warm in your belly ascend. How was he so sweet? Was he this sweet to everyone who more or less made him come out before he even officially opened for the day?
“Uh, no thank you. Black coffee is enough.” You scratched your neck.
“Alright, then let’s get started. What, or who, am I working with?” Sam put his forearms on his worktable and looked at you from under his lashes. Why did you notice his lashes?
“Mina, that’s the one who’s getting married, wanted her favorite color in the arrangements and she doesn’t like too much green with her flowers, not even in actual bouquets she gets or buys for the house. Her favorite color’s orange. But I personally like mint and green in terms of colors. And a wedding with a ‘luxury’ motto should have some white, I think. And greenery.” You felt like you were rambling and couldn’t stop and why did you tell Sam about your favorite color? It wasn’t your wedding, you weren’t even in a relationship!
“I asked who I’m working with, not what the bride wants.”
“Why? I’m not getting married.” You looked at him quizzically.
“Usually when a friend of the bride is in charge of the flowers, the brides are happier with the arrangements I create on the brides’ friends’ basis than if the arrangement is based entirely on what the bride told me.”
“And that works?”
“Don’t worry your pretty head about hypothetical and former brides. I always ask the brides beforehand and ask them what they want. And then I make an alternative flower arrangement. Usually they like the first one better.”
“Then…” You trailed off.
“Tell me about yourself and the wedding. There’s gotta be a reason why you’re the one responsible for the flowers. What are you wearing? Mina’s wearing classical white, isn’t she?”
“Okay, so I’m Y/N, my favorite color is mint and my dress is also gonna be in that color. I work a boring nine to five office job and in my free time I craft with everything I can find, no matter if it’s fabric, wool, wood or anything else. The wedding’s motto is ‘luxury’, it starts with a religious ceremony and moves to a rented villa where everyone’s staying the night before sending off the bridal pair the next day to their honeymoon. It all takes place during the last days of summer and we’re all hoping for sunshine but rain isn’t off the table. But I’m one of those people who like rain.”
“Now I see why you’re the one with the flowers. Mina obviously trusted your eye for color coordination and ideas she may not have had. No offence to her. Don’t tell her I said that.”
You laughed. “And you can just work with that description? You don’t even need to know her favorite flowers? Or mine?” You smiled.
“You wait and see.”
You sipped your coffee, content to watch Sam walk around his store to gather flowers in orange and white and something mint colored you didn’t see fully at first glance. While working, Sam occasionally sipped his coffee. Now and then, he looked up across his worktable at you and smiled. Your eyes wandered between his hands, delicately working, soft and warm you guessed, and his face, concentrated eyes on his flowers.
Sam turned the arrangement with a flourish so you could see everything. The flowers were a mix of orange cornflowers, white larkspurs and orange dahlias all held together as an orb by mint-colored ribbons.
You gaped. “Sam… that’s beautiful! It looks way better than the arrangement they did at the first store. No offense to the people working there, though. Mina will love it!”
Minutes after you sent her a picture, she announced she’d come around the store in late afternoon to meet the man who worked magic like this.
“Told you.” Sam grinned and took your coffee cup from your hands. “Can I expect you to accompany the bride this afternoon?”
“I’ll try my best.” Your skin tingled as Sam squeezed your hand and you went to work.
In the afternoon Mina and you met up at the pastry shop that had become your favorite spot to have a pick me up.
“Is he cute?” Mina asked out of the blue around a mouthful of croissant.
“What?” You looked at her from the corner of your eye.
“The florist. Is he cute?”
You just nodded.
At the flower shop, you were greeted by Sam with a big grin and his grin got even bigger when Mina looked at the actual flower arrangement that Sam had put in a vase to keep them fresh.
“What do you think of the arrangement?”
“I love it! Can you do fifteen arrangements?”
“Of course. Tell me the address and date and I’ll be delivering and setting them up.”
Mina and Sam talked a bit more while you stood to the side and admired the different bouquets Sam had around his store as inspiration. Outside the store Mina linked arms with you.
“We can be lucky you found this shop. But tell me, did you ask for his number? Did he ask for yours?”
“I- what. That… I didn’t-“ You sputtered.
“So no. You don’t have his number, he doesn’t have yours. Despite that attraction between you two? Really?”
Your eyes went wide. “I… uh… I forgot this meeting I have this evening!” You turned on your heel and went in the direction you came from.
“Uh-hu.” Mina laughed and shook her head.
The day of the wedding arrived and since you did such a good job with selecting the flowers (while you always told Mina you just met Sam by chance and he was the one who did the actual work), she had put you in charge of coordinating Sam and the baker with their deliveries for the wedding at the venues’ backdoor. You and a mutual friend of you and Mina stood side by side to direct Sam and the baker with their respective vehicles to where they were needed. Two vehicles drove towards you. One was emblazoned with ‘Sam’s Flowers’ just as Sam’s store and the other one had ‘Godly Pastries’ written on it and stylized pastries around it.
Sam hopped out and went over to you and your friend. “Hey. I’m Sam, got all the flower arrangements.” He shook your friends’ hand.
“Pleasure.” She nodded at Sam but you knew your friend well enough to know she was as polite as she was able to in that moment, because she looked partly around Sam to that really tall and muscular blond, blue-eyed guy who exited the ‘Godly Pastries’ car.
“Hi. Thor.” He smiled and shook your friend’s hand and then yours. “I was told you’d tell me where to put my stuff?”
“Thor.” Your friend breathed after he let go of her hand.
“Yeah, my parents like unusual names.” He laughed. “So, uh, where should I put the goods?”
“I’ll show you. Just through this door here and down the hall. I’ll be with you in a minute.”
The moment Thor was inside the building she mumbled in your ear, “He can put his goods into me. And he’s mine, so hands off.” She smiled.
“Don’t worry, I got my florist and I’m not letting him go.”
“Wait. You got his number now?” She squealed, which made Sam look around the back of his vehicle and his flowers.
“Yeah. We may have a date in a week.” You mumbled, scratching your neck.
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a-moon-and-sun-mincraft-au · 2 months ago
I have been working hard on this AU for several days straight to please y'all, PLEASEEEEEE PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!feel free to ask questions about this AU I am begging you guys by now Even if you think the questions are dumb or if they are just requests on what I should draw them doing I would love to be asked
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have some fluff
Look at them dancing having some fun while still being married and not divorced yet
S&M married life pt 1 / pt 2 / pt 3 / pt 4 / pt 5 / ???
The parts are in order of when I posted them not in order of when they take place. I might change that later
Timeline post thingy
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swampythesweetsketch · 2 years ago
Cult of The Dragon AU
A Ninjago and Cult of The Lamb AU
The Main Six
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Lloyd - Green - The New Deity of Destruction
The last dragon among the living and son of the previous Deity of Destrcution, Garmadon. When he hatched, years have passed and his father's soul (in the form of his crown) leads him on his journey to accumulate his own cult. His journey brings him among friends and enemies, some of which he must decide who is trustworthy.
Jay - Blue - Unwilling Beast of Hunger
A octopus once set on the chopping block in a fish market, Jay was saved by a nice dog couple Ed and Edna. As time passed in his home, The Sea of Sand, a new cult leader Pythor had taken over the brutal terrain and turn his cult members into cannibalistic monsters who snatch the dwindling non-cult population for their meals. Jay and his parents were unlucky enough to be taken in, but with Jay bearing resemblance to a once great desert monster, Pythor has changed him with black magic into a being not even his poor parents recognize.
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Kai - Red - Swordsmith of Ignacia
Once part of a renowned family of fighters and swordsmiths, Kai lived in a remote village in Ignacia with his baby sister Nya and their parents. When their parents, the strongest fighters in the village, were killed off by Samukai's cult; The rest of the village split up and ran to save themselves, only to be picked off and killed. Leaving Kai and Nya the only real survivors of the village. While Kai may of not learned the whole ropes of smithing before his home fell apart, he well makes up for it by making wild and enchanted weapons for fighters to buy.
Nya - Cyan - The Executioner
Her first memories were of her small village being torn apart by cultists and her older brother, Kai, carrying her to safety. As she began to grow up, Nya vowed to kill any cultists she finds. Which in her early years of battling have given her a little too close encounter with death. She improved, and now seen as the Executioner to many. But not all journeys are without peril, and Nya gets captured by Samukai's cult to be sacrificed to their Deity, Garmadon! She hopes that she can break free. If not, then it's up to Kai and Lloyd to rescue her...
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Cole - Black - Wayward Trader and Semi-Thief
A lone ram that travels to forget his past, Cole has been traversing the mountains, valleys, and cities of Ninjago as a independent seller. He doesn't hate cults, but he knows the dangers that come from being sucked into one, yet stills does business with them once in a while. As he and Lloyd meet, Cole is on his way to his favorite bazaar when they discover Master Chen taking his fellow traders as prisoners on his island. Even if he doesn't want to, Cole joins Lloyd as they journey to Tournament Island to save his buddies and maybe steal some cool stuff along the way?
Zane - White - The dethroned Deity of Home Found as a little owlet with promising powers to protects and elongate live and prosperity by his "father" Dr. Jullien, Zane was a mortal promoted to deity in the Cult of Birchwood. Until a new figure came into power shortly after his father's death and being casted out. Now forced to watch his old home fall apart under a new deity's power, Zane has changed his ways to become a resource trader. Happilly marries to his crow wife Pixal, and father to several babies with his youngest Gidgette on his head at all times. He seeks Lloyd out for help as his home is now on the cusp of death as the new deity, the Overlord, vows to consume the cult's lifeforce and use his vessel to find another cult once done ruining the current.
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bootleg-sara · 3 years ago
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The next batch of AU lads! A couple of fan favorites here today, starting Judas, Eve, and Samson. We got a three lad special today, very exciting. It's hard to tell, but Judas' eyes do have a tint of red to them.
I do want to mention, while I call it a halo for simplicity sake, all halos that humans have are different from the ones angel’s have. A human halo is called a Crown.
Got no other intro stuff to talk about lol
Character bios, more doodles, and a small blog update undercut
Judas: Voice claim- Fire by That Handsome devil
One of the worst people in all of hell, only being beaten by Lucifer himself. So you know you're in for something special.
Judas what I can best describe as a prick. He's the son of Adam and Stepson of Eve. He’s extremely manipulative and cunning, being able to make plans that will last over centuries. Judas is cooking up something pretty big, something that he has been planning and working towards ever since he was still in the Garden of Eden. He doesn’t bother much with trying to keep up a “good guy” persona, as everyone knows him for being a shitbag. So instead he works his way to be as intimidating as possible. His roughly 9 foot stature does help quite a bit. He’ll play with whatever insecurities or goals he knows of. And if by some unlucky chance you end up his target, he’ll scour each and every source he has available to learn of you. Just to be sure he makes whatever punishment he has planned as excruciating as possible.
He may be one of the most powerful people in all of hell, but the dude’s the biggest baby around. If you so much as allude to making fun of him, he’ll have you locked up in a cell and never seen from again. And don’t even think about insulting his family around him. One bad word might just have you dead on the spot. Say anything bad about his dad , Adam, and you’ll surely wish you were dead. Judas needs to be praised constantly, and adores it when people bow to him. If you suck up to him enough, he might just let you off a bit easy. Or not. He takes more than enough joy from making everyone miserable. Any time Judas gets all angsty and upset (which is very often), he’ll run to Eve for comfort. Just don’t walk in and catch him crying, or your just another person on the chopping block. Judas sucks his thumb when extremely stressed out, often biting hard enough to draw blood.
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Judas is a particular case when it comes to magic. He’s on old earth soul, meaning he shouldn’t have any at all. But much his his mother, he has the ability to transform. Judas’ transformations are much less limiting than hers. While he can’t use it to impersonate people (any parts of him that are transformed are as black as a void), he can use it for intimidation or combat. He frequently uses his abilities to sneak around in the shadows. Judas is not much of a fighter. He much prefer to bend people backwards with his words or threats. But he can certainly put up a fight if need be. His transformation skills essentially turn him into a black jello, able to move around his organs to avoid any fatal blows. There’s plenty of different ways to be used, and Judas has been able to find quite a few uses for it. The one he uses the most often is for making clones of himself. By transforming his own shadow, he can send out shadow clones to do his bidding. Though these clones are only good for simple tasks or overwhelming opponents. After a really long battle of using his magic, Judas gets the worst full body cramps.
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His weapon is not something that is powered by magic. It was something that Azazel gave to him ages ago back in the garden. Normally one would need magic to let the weapon’s swap between forms work. Though Judas has found a personal magic reservoir to power if for him. The pitchfork itself can’t do anything special. It’s a basic weapon, good for keeping people in place when they are moving around to much. But no one knows what the book attached to it is for. Azazel was the one who enchanted the book to be connected to the weapon of it, but he didn’t know what purpose it serves. Judas never uses the book in battle and is never seen with it in the public eye. Azazel just assumes it’s Adam’s old diary that Judas was to much of a baby to split from.
Samson: Voice claim- Military Fashion Show by AND ONE
(This is exactly how I image Samson sounds)
Talk about Samson next in picture order.
Samson’s honestly a really simple dude. All he really wants is to settle down with someone and finally relax after spending his life and afterlife constantly fighting and killing. He certainly takes great pride in it, but it’s all he’s known for. And he really doesn’t like his reputation. Being a 7-8 foot beast of a man and his main claim to fame being all the murder he’s done, everyone is terrified of him. He’s a well known figure around Judas’ city, and no one dares to get in his way. He is Judas’ personal mercenary. Samson gets paid rather handsomely for his work, killing off anyone trying to interrupt Judas’ master plan. He used to do a lot of work with Famine before Famine split off after being tired of Judas. Samson’s not at all a good philosopher, but he likes a good riddle. Though any riddle he attempts to make are nonsensical half the time. He’s very proud of his hair and is so happy he was able to grow it back again after it was cut off the first time.
Samson is pretty wealthy due to Judas’ payments, but rarely ever uses this money. He lives in a small house and really only spends his earnings in good food. He does have a secret room tucked away in his house full of various bones and other such trophies from his toughest battles. His favorite trophies are skulls, but he’ll take anything he can get. From weapons, to jewelry, to anything that can be preserved for a long time. He has a few full skeletons too. Samson taught himself taxidermy, and has gotten pretty good at it. He very affectionately calls this room “The Bone Room”.
Samson was originally a resident of Heaven, being sent there by a personal request from the archangel Jegudiel. However, most of the residents in heaven really didn’t like him. Murder is considered one of the worst sins someone could act upon, and Samson was famous for just that. One angel, along with a small group of other people, chained him up while was asleep and dragged him out to the Dead Man Valleys to have him killed by all the monsters. Obviously, Samson was not pleased when he woke up to the sight of an angel making a speech while he was chained to the floor. Brings back a lot of bad memories. In a blind fit of rage, he broke out of his chains and killed each and every person who was theirs to witness his exile. He wasn’t allowed back into heaven after that.
His weapon has no special properties, but it is very strong and can quickly rip a person apart.
Eve: Voice claim- Headlock by Imogen Heap
Last but certainly not least is Eve. One of the first humans to ever come into existence, shortly following Adam. Though the two wouldn’t meet up until they had both gotten older.
She’s a “take no shit” kind of women. Very laid back and calm, not wishing to get into any sort of altercations. But she will defend herself if someone is out to mock her. Eve hates taking orders from anyone and barely deals with Judas’ constant whining for her attention. She kept a lot of her old motherly habits from when she was raising her family ages ago. Eve’s a very kind soul, not wishing harm on anyone if it can be avoided. At the same time, she’s very snarky and will take the piss every now and again. Her desire to be independent after being treated like dirt in the garden motivates her the most. She currently lives with Judas, but is almost never found in the castle with him. Going out to chat people up all the time. Eve used to party rather frequently, but is currently taking a small break from that life style. Her spiked gauntlets are more for show than fighting. They can leave a nasty scar, but they are rather heavy and inhibit her mobility. Eve never considered herself someone keen on combat, but she’s learned a few tricks to keep people off her back.
Her form as Whore of Babylon was not something Eve had taken taken by choice. It was a curse that Lucifer had placed on her for being “disruptive and continuing her husband’s work”. Of course this was nothing more than an excuse to gain more control over Eve, seeing the perfect opportunity after Adam’s death. Over the centuries, Even has gotten much more control over WoB. She has even learned how to summon/unsummon it at will. The form brings nothing but pain to her and overall chooses to avoid using it. She’ll only ever willing use it when put in a life or death situation. Sometimes it’ll crop up again when in stressful situations, but thankfully those days are not quite as prevalent as they used to be. Eve refuses to ever go near Lucifer again. Worried that because he made the curse, he might able to remove all her progress in a snap and put her back where she started.
What’s their relationship like?
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Eve and Judas are a mother and son duo. Eve isn’t Judas’ biological mother, but she has taken him under her wing as her son. They fight and bicker all the time. Can’t seem to get along like they used to. They do help each other out frequently, with both big and small things. Judas’ very unhealthy attachment to Adam makes Eve extremely uncomfortable. She prefers to not think about it. Judas has a powerful need to get back at Lucifer for messing with both Eve and Cain. Eve certainly isn’t going to stop him there, the bitch deserved it. Eve is a voice of reason for Judas, being one of the few people who can disagree with him and not end up in some dank cellar. Judas’ tendency to act in emotions is rather dangerous, and if it wasn’t for Eve so much more people would of been unwilling insisted for his project. Eve worries a lot for Judas. He’s clearly stunned in growth, acting more like a child than a man who’s millennias old. She does so much to try and help him grow, but nothing seems to work. He’s stuck in the past and refuses to let go. Eve has tried to convince him multiple times that his big plan is going much to far, but he won’t listen.
Samson scares the shit out of Judas. Samson was found out in the Dead Man Valleys, surviving for years in a place that was thought to be impossible to last more than a few days in. Eventually Samson’s hiring was made mostly to keep Samson as far away from him as possible. They had a loose buddy relationship. Samson views Judas as a friend, and loves to tussle around with him. Judas definitely doesn’t see Samson as a friend, but tolerates Samson’s acts of friendship to avoid getting on his bad side. Eve and Samson don’t really have much of a connection. They’ve met a few times and are in good terms with one another, but don’t regularly go out to meet each other. Samson appreciates Eve a lot for not being afraid around him.
Yaaay some of my favorite characters!!! I’m so glad to have these out. Hope you like them as much as you do.
With July approaching soon, Purgatory AU posts are going to be paused on so I can focus on art fight! I may make a few more based post (either explaining some fallen angel/demon stuff or a short post about what halos/crowns are) but I won’t be starting to post the next comic until after I finish art fight. I know I’m silly and I les on mentioning it, but I’m really excited and I think it’ll be a lot of fun!
I won’t stop posting entirely, but posts will slow down. (My birthday is coming up here soon this July (; ) So yeah, there’s the update I guess lol. Thank you all for reading ^^
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eremiie · 4 years ago
you want it that bad don’t you?;
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❥ 5k words | nsfw | mafia au | levi x reader
❥ being in the mafia isn’t fun and games— and levi has no problem reminding you.
❥ content: gun kink, rough sex, “sir” kink (?)
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you tapped on your crossed legs as you sat in the waiting room, adjusting the black skirt that sat pretty on your legs, in anticipation and slight nervousness. hange rambled beside you, and you tried not to block her out but your own thoughts were quite captivating. you weren't sure how it happened but you fucked up big time, and you weren't sure how ready you were to face the repercussions.
"i mean how did you even manage that, ___? did you just shoot him in the head and go 'oh shit, i killed him.', you're in some sh-" you cut hange off with your own leveled tone, chuckling slightly at the irony of the situation.
"i know, hange, i know. it went something like that..." you shook your head and raised an eyebrow at her as she began laughing, the eyepatch over her eye raising up in the slightest as her cheeks did causing you to smile, a little light in the dark moment you were bound to face.
armin stepped out with a worried expression on his face, sympathy crossing it when he spotted your figure tensely lounging in the lobby chair. he nodded his head at you as you stood up nervously, you'd hope your relations with the underboss would save you. he gave you a shy half-smile and hange covered her mouth with an 'oooo' causing you to glare at her and shush her, your life was ‘at stake’ and her jokes weren't helping. "uh, ____... don levi is.. he's ready for you." armin's voice shook as he spoke, he seemed more worried than you.
"don't worry armin, i'll be fine." you reassured the timid boy. sometimes you wondered how he even got into the mafia, his short stature and soft looks were sure to be underestimated until he kicked ass, not to mention his intelligence probably made up where he was lacking.
"are you sure about that? did you see the way he kicked eren's ass just for him to even GET in the mafia? you're gon-"
"hange! please." you put up a hand to still hange's voice.
"better be lucky you're not taking this up with boss erwin." hange continued, causing you to earn another sympathetic look from armin.
you turned around to face hange, your eye twitching. did she know who you were dealing with? "you mean unlucky? i rather have him any day."
"okay, okay, i don't want to get in trouble too let's go!" armin ushered you to the grand door of the underboss' office, your heart thumping at what, or better yet; who would lie beneath it. you’d better whip something up before you entered the gates of hell.
armin knocked at the door twice before slowly opening it, he mumbled something to levi before looking back at you and opening the door wider, you took slow steps into the brightly lit office, the curtains on the windows in the back drawn shut so that the only light illuminating the office were the luxurious lamps that detailed every corner. you took multiple steps forward until the only thing separating you and the devil himself was a brown polished oak desk that was carved to perfection. beyond it? the intimidating subordinate of the boss, levi ackerman, his pristine hands supporting his face as his legs crossed. his black trench coat that you knew costed more than you would make from any mission adorning the brown leather seat that he sat on, his posture perfect just like every strategically placed strand of hair on his head.
you breathed in and put on your most charming smile, keeping your hands behind your back as you bowed at a 90 degree angle, if bowing all the way to your feet would save you, your head would've been drilled into the ground right about now.
"don levi, my favorite person." you started, as he eyed you intently, the scowl on his face growing by every minute you were in his presence. he stayed silent for a good moment before uncrossing his legs, the fabric on his jeans seeming to become cleaner by every dust of his hand.
"what happened." he snarled, hoping you would have a good reason that your captive was dead, which meant the mafia no longer had the upper hand on their enemies now. yes, you knew you fucked up big time.
"okay, so well.. you see, we were heading towards the hideo-"
"not that far back you brat. stop wasting breath and get to the point. why is our captive dead?" he snapped, leaning forward on his desk, your breath hitching in the slightest.
you took a step forward and placed all eight tips of your fingers on the wood tapping them slightly as you looked at levi with a face that showed remorse on all levels. "sir, the captive was seated in the back of the vehicle with us. his restraints were loosening and he was yelling at everybody in the truck, especially to me, the one with the gun." you started, puppy dog eyes beginning to grace your face as if that would help. "the whole time he was cutting the restraints with a knife when he was back in the seat, an-"
"and why did no one catch this?" levi interrupted, his face growing even more furious by the second you spoke.
"because... well we were all trying to get him to calm down, and-"
"for fucks sake weren't you brats trained to catch shit like this? now we're facing repercussions because he's dead."
"i didn't mean to kill him-"
"but you did. he's fucking dead, how did he die, caporegime?" he didn't even use your name, the way he addressed you by your title making you cringe in the slightest, backing away from the desk as he stood up and came around the desk, a gun slinging in his hand that wasn't supporting his weight as he now leaned against the table, waiting for your response.
"commander... i, he, he was waving the knife around and the truck, the vehicle was starting to go off of the road because," you took a huff of breath as you pulled your thin trench coat that was falling off your shoulders more over to conceal the small skirt and button up you had underneath. you crossed your legs as you stood, your black heels clinking as they shuffled on the ground. "well, i panicked,"
"you panicked?" levi scoffed.
"i came up with the best solution, which was to shoot him." you answered bluntly as you stared at levi, his eyes narrowing at you. you took a small step forward as he sighed. "levi-"
"the best fucking solution, ____?" great, back to a first name basis, "what happened to all the years you fucking trained for shit like this? you know combat and so does everyone else in the damn truck!" he began to come forward to you, gun moving around a little to reckless for your liking and you backed up even more.
"lev-, commander, sir, it was an accident! or else, everyone else and i would be dead!"
"an accident? tch? now if i shot you right now would it be an accident, ____?"
your back hit the wall as levi cornered you, the barrel of the gun now touching the cream colored walls as did your head. although levi was short, you were still deathly intimidated, your chest noticeably heaving up and down as the flimsy trench coat was pooling at your elbows, the button up your wore revealing your cleavage, and you sure didn't miss the small gaze from the underboss, his steely eyes connecting with yours once more.
you tried not to let the small smirk become noticeable on your face as you tilted your head up in the slightest, side eyeing the gun to your left then raising an eyebrow at levi directly in front of you.
"but you won't?" your response came off more as a question then an answer, you're nervousness still racking as levi's eyed widened in the slightest at the small disappearance of fear in your eyes.
anybody else in your position would've probably been beaten to a pulp right about now, or even dead. but luckily for you, your small relations with the underboss was saving your ass altogether.
the gun was lifted from the wall and slipped its way into your mouth harshly, and you could hear the 'chink' of the trigger as he cocked it back, your mouth struggling to close around the barrel. you could taste the steel of the device and you felt the coldness of the gun that matched the cold gaze that was upon you. you let your tongue slide around the front of the gun.
you were playing a risky game.
you placed your hands on levi's chest, causing the gun to falter in your mouth as he dragged it down to your chin. "levi, baby," he cringed, eye twitching at the lack of honorific as you let your hands glide down the tie around his neck, your trench coat dragging on the floor behind you as you walked forward, levi stepping back, still in contact with you.
"i can fix this.." you mumbled, causing the underboss to grab your wrists with one hand and swing them down to your sides, pinching the bridge of his nose as he walked back to his desk, refusing to be lead on by you. he knew his position and regardless of what you do or did with him, he couldn't let the way the coat lingered off your body, or the way the two buttons of your button up revealed the thin lace trimming of your bra, or the way your skirt was riding up as you were backed into the wall fool or distract him. he sat back in his seat and used his hands to speak, the gun in his hand flailing around as well.
"how can you fucking fix this? you're gonna get another hostage, huh? you know how hard it was to get him? you gonna deal with his fucking body? remember where you fucking stand _____."
you slowly walked towards levi, letting your coat fall completely onto the floor, levi going on his rant as you got on your knees in front of the tall leather rolling chair placing your hands on the matching black leather belt that levi wore, caressing it, letting your hands move side to side on it.
"i can fix this."
you looked up at levi with a look of sultry, the way your eyelashes only let a slight shimmer of your eyes seep through as you looked up at him, and the way that extra layer of gloss that coated your lips could be imagined around his dick made him let out a shaky breath as he gripped the gun in his hand tighter.
"get under the desk."
you stopped yourself from grinning as you used all fours to crawl, levi avoiding your gaze. once you were seated under the desk you took it upon yourself to unbutton another button, thanking the heavens that you decide to go for the dress shirt instead the other white mock neck that's still sitting in your closet of your studio apartment. you pushed up the black lace bra that you wore up to accentuate your breasts as levi twirled his seat until you were enclosed under the desk fully.
you began to unbuckle his belt, your hands lingering a little longer on the silver buckle before you unhooked it and folded it neatly, placing it on the floor beside you as to not anger levi any further. after all, he still had the steel weapon in his hand, as a matter of fact his arm hung loosely over the side of his chair, the gun in close range to you.
as you tugged at levi's unzipped pants he lifted his hips in the slightest to help you pull the jean fabric down, pulling his member out of the slit in his grey boxers. you smiled a little at the way it stood proudly because of you and looked up at levi who was now looking down at you, although he still avoided your eyes. you noted the permanent crease between his brows making his expression look even more angry. at what? you weren't sure, maybe it was your shit execution at your mission, or the fact that he was faltered and was letting you do this during his office hours.
you loved yourself.
before you could wrap your hands around levi's length he used his free hand to pull slightly on your ponytail that held your slicked hair back. "don't make a mess." he muttered before you placed your slender fingers around him. he sucked in a breath as you licked at his tip, his dick feeling like it was growing with every touch you made around him. the effect you had was incredible.
"yes, levi."
"yes, sir."
maybe on any other day you wouldn't be so quick to comply, you had a bite to you, but you knew your limits and today wasn't the day. you puckered your lips and kissed the tip of levi's cock before going down on it letting it reside in the wet, warm heat of your mouth. "mm," you relished in the way it felt heavy on your tongue, and you let it sit there for a moment before beginning to bob your head up and down.
levi removed his hand from your hair, relaxing under you and letting out a shaky sigh, he didn't want to let you know how much he was actually enjoying this rendezvous but oh, you knew. you probably would have been more oblivious if it wasn't for the mere whimpers and grunts that left him, or if it wasn't for how silent the room was besides those same sounds that he stopped before they could vocally leave his throat.
you opened your mouth and swirled your tongue around his member, using your hands to get what you couldn't reach at the base of his cock, twisting your hands slightly as your worked at the top. you then placed your hands on his lap and picked yourself up in the slightest to go down on him as far as possible, humming, sending the vibrations down on his dick, the sensation running through his body. a slight shudder left levi, him preventing himself from bucking up into your mouth which he knew would cause a mess.
"did you like that, sir?" you pulled yourself off his tip for a brief moment, in an attempt to tease levi without you know... tempering the man. you continued to work at him with your hands as you looked up at him, fluttering your eyes and keeping your mouth open ajar. your lips were reddened and your lip gloss would need to be reapplied later.
"who told you to stop?"
you let out a small chuckle which you hoped levi didn't hear, and if he did he didn't comment on it because you hurriedly slipped him back in your mouth, giving a particularly hard suck that made whatever he maybe wanted to say stop short with a moan that he quickly covered up with a clearing of his throat.
you were so stuck on pleasuring the underboss that you didn't even realize it when he lifted the gun and twirled the chamber until it landed on an empty spot, before he shot it directly at in front of him to clear the cocked gun, returning it to its neutral state. the sound of the pressurized air leaving the barrel made you jolt and your teeth grazed his length as your jaw tightened, your heart rate speeding up until you realized you were fine.
but that didn't convince the snoopers lingering outside the door.
"i knew she was gonna die." hange shook her head with a pout as she sat beside the door to the office, not even worried about the risk of getting caught. "she didn't make a noise... hm, i'll never underestimate levi's aim again." she let out a small gasp. "imagine if he heard me calling him levi! i'd probably end up like ____." hange clutched her chest as she let out a small laugh, shaking her head once again at your expense and at her joke.
meanwhile, armin was pacing back and forth in front of the door trying to stop his tears from spilling. "hange! how can you joke about this when, when she could really be dead! you know lev- don levi would really... no, she can't be dead. i'm gonna check."
hange closed her eyes and tilted her head back as she listened to armin. "you know that's a bad idea! imagine if you went in there and there's just like blood everywhere, like-"
"well besides the blood, he'd probably shoot you too so there would be no witnesses. i'm just kidding, you'd just be in a bad spot. oh, but ma-“
"that's it, i'm going in." armin was shaking as he knocked on the polished door, making sure to use his small handkerchief to wipe off any marks his knuckle could've made. "sir, is everything alright?" his voice was awkwardly unleveled, it cracking halfway through his sentence.
levi's hand flew to your hair as he pulled it back in the slightest to stop your motions. "sh." he made sure he was presentable just in case, setting the now uncocked gun down on the desk before clearing his throat. "is there something you need subordinate arlert?" levi spit out his words in slight frustration.
armin twisted the door knob, looking away in fear at the sight of blood, gaze focused on hange who sat on the floor to the side of the door. "no, i, i just was making sure everything was okay, i... i heard a gunshot."
you smirked at the sound of armin's voice now clearer as he spoke. you thought for a second...
you know what? you decided to take a risk.
levi's grip in your hair was looser as he focused more on him and armin's small conversation instead of you and you took it as an opportunity to do the same hard suck you did earlier, levi's breath hitching, cause his voice to falter as he spoke to armin, his grip on your ponytail tightening once more.
"and that would be your business because, brat?"
you smiled at your success, trying to move your tongue despite the heat from your scalp as levi expressed his anger through his hold.
armin gulped and squeezed his eyes shut. "very well, sir. i'll be shutting the door now."
"and don't interrupt me again, that goes for you and anyone else in the hall."
"yes, sir."
and with that, you heard the heavy door shut and you knew what was to come. levi yanked your head back a scowl on his face as he watched your head abruptly bob backwards off his member, you licking your lips innocently.
"what the hell is wrong with you? do you have an actual fucking death wish?" he hissed, your ponytail feeling like it could rip off at any given moment.
"what if we got caught, huh?" levi rolled his eyes and scoffed in shock at your carelessness. he was such a tough nut to crack. "fuck..."
"levi, rel-"
"it's fucking sir. commander, captain, stop addressing me like we're equals." he let go of your hair and moved his steel grip to your shirt, gathering the white fabric in his hands as he pulled his chair back, pulling you from underneath the desk, panic ensuing in you. he pushed you back until your thighs hit his desk causing it to scoot back in the slightest as you stopped yourself from flying back with your hands.
"shut up. every word that comes from your mouth is irritating me."
you pursed your lips and watched levi study your face, his gaze constantly flickering down to your body as well, watching your disheveled form as your chest heaved up and down. frankly, you were afraid to even move, you were sure one more mistake from you would've made him burst. but, as you watched levi pull his member back through his slit you opened your mouth anyways. "commander, please." you didn't want to be left hanging, the wetness that was pooling in your own underwear wasn't going to fix itself.
"what could you possibly want." he stopped his motions for a minute, the desperate expression on your face reeling him in slightly.
you were frozen for a second, before you scoot back on his desk and pulled your skirt up it bunched up at your waistline. you hastily looked around before you grabbed the gun that was sat beside you and put on your best seductive expression. “captain..."
you spread your legs as you rubbed yourself overtop of the matching lace fabric of your bra, the newfound sensation causing you to bite your lip. you pushed aside your underwear as you teased yourself, letting your slick gather over the tip of the gun. you made sure levi was watching before you pulled it away and examined the tip before bringing it to your lips and slowly licking up your own secretions while looking up at levi, not missing the way his eye twisted, or the faint red that tinted his pale cheeks.
he stepped forward and you tried to contain your smile for the one thousandth time that night, before he grabbed the gun from your hands, staring you straight in the eyes and huffing, turning around. "captain!" you couldn't stop now, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards you until the tip of the gun was pressed against you once more the cold metal making your breath stutter.
your body tensed up, holding in a whimper as you looked at levi with a pout, using your other hand to turn his face towards you, your thumb brushing over his bottom lip.
his upper lip twitched as his eyes flickered down to your own. levi leaned forward until both of you were face to face. he leaned even closer so that your noses barely touched until you were staring deep into his rocky eyes, flecks of black outlining the grey, and then there was the abyss of his pupils.
"you want it that bad don't you?"
you whimpered again and your eyes fluttered. you let go of his wrist and placed both of your hands behind you on the desk, nodding your head. "yes, sir." you felt like you repeated for the umpteenth time.
"tch," levi glared at you before pulling down his boxers. "desperate, dirty."
and you didn't even care because you won, like you did most of the time.
you layed down on the desk causing levi to twitch as your head touched his papers, him quickly moving them to the floor and making sure nothing would fall or collapse, although he kept his desk mostly empty. you couldn't recall any pictures family members decorating the desk, the only thing you could remember probably being a stapler, papers, and maybe a nameplate. "mm, thank you captain." you smiled as you layed back and pulled your black undergarment off, sitting it beside you instead of flinging it onto the floor.
levi didn't respond as he grabbed your hips and pulled you forward, positioning himself at your entrance. you anticipated the way he would slide into you like he did everytime, slowly and carefully, always studying your expression to make sure he wasn't hurting you, and so he did this time as well. you groaned at the sensation of him entering you, every inch filling you up completely and you struggled not to make much noise, trying not to give any hints to what was happening in the large room. "sir..." you hissed as you felt him bottom out inside you.
levi groaned at the feeling of him being buried inside you completely, tilting his head down to look at the way he disappeared you completely, his mouth hanging open in the slightest, and it made you feel special. the way you were in this position, as other people could barely touch him.
"do i feel good?" you asked, propping yourself up on your forearms to see him inside you as well. levi didn't answer as he began to move inside of you, the wet noises of him pulling in and out raw filling up the room, causing you to throw your head back as you whined. "please, you can go faster."
levi did just that, picking up his pace, voluntarily rocking his hips as he moved inside of you causing the desk to shake. you moved your legs to the side of him and pulled him closer to you so he could hit deeper, careful not to let your heels touch his top. "fuck, le-, sir... i know you can go faster than that." you groaned.
levi clicked his tongue and his pace picked up again, him now initially slamming into you with every hit of your hips against each other, a slapping noise eliciting everytime, and your breasts now bouncing up and down from how hard he was pounding into you. "you gonna stop complaining now?"
his voice caught you off guard, as you looked up at him, your eyes half lidded, your mouth in an o-shape, and him staring back at you, his skin slightly shining almost as if he was about to sweat, and your skin reciprocating. "fuck, yes... it feels so fucking good."
you could feel that sensation tumbling in your stomach with every stroke, you're breathing become ragged as you tried to grab at the desk, you tightening around levi. “i think, i think i'm gonna come." you voiced, your eyebrows furrowing as you tried to concentrate on the feeling bubbling up inside of you. "can you make me?" you teased again as you threw your head back and arched your back, trying to make levi talk again. you could tell he wasn't the vocal type during sex. or maybe it was because you were in an office.
levi pulled one of your legs from behind him and scooted your body up on the desk, pushing your leg towards your chest as he looked up at you, his own mouth hanging open as he grunted with every hard thrust.
"remember where you stand, ____."
he drilled you harder, every thrust he made shaking your body and causing his dick to almost leave you completely every time, before burying you completely as well.
"yes, sir."
"call me that again," levi shut his eyes tight as he bit his lip trying to conceal his moans, forcing your leg down some more, pounding into you trying to reach his own high, his own feeling trying to crawl its way to the surface, he wasn't even worried about a mess at this point, the sound of his name plate clattering to the floor not even making him open his eyes.
"fuck sir, i'm almost there, please!" you whispered as you looked down to see your wetness gathering at levi's base, and that made you tumbled over the edge as you cried out, feeling every nerve in your body pinch as you climaxed, your forearms dropping to the table causing your back to hit the desk before you arched it. "levi!" you whimpered as he went even faster his own climax teasing him.
"fuck," he groaned softly before letting go of your leg and grabbing your hips, pulling you towards him as he released inside of you, letting his cum seep into you, a ragged breath leaving his throat before he hissed pulling out of you.
the both of you caught your breath and you rolled off of his desk with a smile despite your legs being wobbly while you stumbled to grab your underwear.
"hey," levi started as he wiped himself clean with a napkin he kept inside his desk. "don't get that anywhere." he used his head to motion down to your cunt.
"oh? your cum?" you knew he what he was talking about, and you laughed. "don't worry. i'm thinking about keeping this in me for a little while." you bit your lip as you pulled up your panties, patting them before you pulled down your skirt and started to button up your top again.
levi gave you a disgusted expression and sighed before shaking his head and spraying down his desk, wiping it down and placing his belongings back where they were while you dressed yourself up again, him already have gone through that process.
you picked up your trench coat off the floor in front of levi's desk before walking up to him slowly. "sir," you smiled, adjusting his tie, his irritated expression making you chuckle. "i told you i'd make it up to you."
levi scoffed and backed away, placing his miniature cleaning products back in his drawer after cleaning his weapon, and using the small cologne bottle in his desk to try to cover up the faint smell of sex in his office.
"you just make sure you get your situation under control. that's still not over. get two subordinates to help you out and get this shit fixed by the end of the week. you're not off the hook, and i still have to review this with boss erwin, i'm still under him."
you raised your eyebrow and scoffed. "so much for that god complex earlier." you mumbled as you walked away and towards the door.
"nothing, captain."
"get out."
"alright, alright." you giggled as you tied the waist of your trench coat and opened the door to his office before stepping out.
"thank goodness, you're alive, we thought you died!" you were squeezed into a hug by armin and hange, hange hugging your feet as she was seated on the floor and armin's arms around your waist.
"what?" you questioned, pulling both of them off of you.
"so how'd you do it? how are you standing here to this minute, ____?" hange asked dramatically, shaking your legs as she spoke.
"hange what the hell, get up. what are you guys talking about?"
"we thought he killed you.." armin whispered, as his eyes darted between the door and your confused face.
you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, beginning to walk away from the door and towards the staircase of the building.
"please," you smirked to yourself as you added a small strut to your walk. "not in a million years. he wouldn't kill me."
trust and believe, you knew where you stood.
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mystickinds · 3 years ago
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It's spooky time baby! And what better way to celebrate but to treat yourself with some candy readings? And boy, do I have a variety to choose from, just like choosing your favourite snack from your trick or treat bag ❤️
Readings available;
SQUID GAMES- What led you here? Shall we examine it, the positive and negative. What are you lucky at? Let's see what you're unlucky at and see what you can do to change.it. (specify or general)
BLOODY MARY - paranormal, creatures , ghosts and cryptids. Reading on the supernatural being that best represents your energy and why. What’s your haunting style? Who is your target? How do people summon you? Mood board available. +$15
OR option 2: what do people say about you (general or specific)
THE MATRIX - What legacy do you leave behind after this realm/the matrix? The impact you have made and importance. In people's life and as a whole.
THE GIRL FROM NOWHERE - lies, secrets, and hypocrisy. Time to expose these people who have been dishonest.
AU YOU - You uncover a device which lets looks into the nearest alternative universe.  Your personality, relationships, career and so much more will be exposed. You realize you have a lot in common with YOU than you thought. Mood board available +$15
MIRROR- You face a mirror and feel a hand grab you, dragging you inside. Inside the mirror are your worse nightmares. Let's look at your life: What are you scared of? How to survive and get out (of the situation)? general or specific
NIGHT CALLER- You answer the phone. Hello? The voice on the other line answers. They have your voice. They warn you of the future. The good, the bad and the very ugly. What’s coming? Can you change your future?
DOLL - You receive a creepy but pretty looking porcelain doll. You stare at them  and they start to move. What does your inner child what to tell you? They might just send a shiver down your spine
HAUNTED HOUSE- This home doesn’t feel like your own. Your skin itches constantly. The shadow people visit you. Now you need to befriend them so you can feel at home again. How to acknowledge and make peace with your shadow self. Some ways you can heal your mind, body & soul.
YOU- a glass box may be your new home. Careful, he's watching you. Things you need to avoid, people you need to be weary off, habits that need to be stopped.
NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET- For those who have specific nightmares or dreams that are constant or stuck in your mind.. I'll tell you what they mean.
WITCHCRAFT - You’re attractive and magical you know that? A look into any secret admirers, what makes you so amazing, spiritual gifts, hidden talents to uncover.
URBAN LEGEND - People gather around the campfire to say a spooky tale that chills them to the bone. The story is about you. Are you another cautionary tale or a spirit of the night? Find out.
DEADLY SINS - Comprehensive reading with the 7 deadly sins
Lust - How to bring more pleasure and satisfaction into your life. What is it that you truly desire?
Greed - How to free your financial blocks and bring abundance into your life.
Wrath- What repressed anger are you keeping in and how to release them.
Gluttony - What would it take to nourish your mind, body and soul?
Envy - Looking into past & present jealousy and getting to the root of the deeper reasons why and how to stop the pattern.
Pride - You’re amazing so lets celebrate that! Positive message of who you are and how far you’ve come
Sloth - We all want to grow and expand, being our best and this is a reading on things you need to do to glow up and be even more badass.
PRICES: $15 - half page
$25 - full page
*per reading*
Deadly sins - $50 for all or $25 for 3.
Paypal: paypal.me/limunette
Contact me for questions.
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devilberries · 4 years ago
~Tears of Themis~
Marius royalty au
Part ii coming out soon with Marius x femMC
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Marius Von Hagen knew pressure very well. In fact, he was acquainted with pressure since he was born. Pressure had been holding his hand since he learned how to walk, and it’s always stuck by his side.
Pressure weighed on his back when he became prince. Pressure weighed on his back when he sat with the neighboring royal children. Pressure weighed on his back when his brother ran away. Pressure weighed on his back when he became the crown prince. Pressure weighed on his back when his parents both grew old and ill.
Pressure weighed on his back when he became king.
And here he sat on the throne. It felt uncomfortable, like he didn’t belong there. The elbow rests of the golden chair were cold, unwelcoming. The seat itself was big. He felt like a small child, sitting there.
It reminded him that he was only king in name. At least, that was what people kept saying. He almost believed them. He really should. After all, how could he rule a kingdom he was never meant to rule?
Was this why his brother left? Were the responsibilities too much? Was this why he ran away, leaving all the heavy burdens behind for his pitiful younger brother?
Marius slumped in his seat defeatedly. It wasn’t like he could ask his parents for help when they were both ill in their beds.
But now that there was a change in power, advisors, military commanders, and neighboring kingdoms were watching for a chance to swoop in and eat up Marius. They were waiting for him to slip and fall, using it to their advantage. They would try and try to manipulate Marius, the ignorant younger prince who only knew how to draw.
He heard the whispers in the long halls. He knew of the names they conjured up for him. He could feel the contempt through their fake smiles.
“Your Royal Majesty,” one of the advisors coughed. Marius snapped out of his daze and looked at him. The advisor furrowed his eyebrow and stated, “As the king of this nation, it would be wise not to mindlessly daydream in the middle of a meeting.”
Marius could hear another counselor scoff under his breath, “King? He’s no king. Just a foolish child wearing a crown.”
He raised eyes at the two men calmly.
“Tell me, old man, who is my father?”
The counselor stared back at him with caution as he answered, “His Royal Majesty King Austin von Hagen.”
Marius smirked when he heard his voice quiver. “Alright, and what is my brother’s title?”
Whispers rush between the men along the long table. It was an unspoken rule not to speak of the original crown prince. They could feel the tension suffocate them.
“H-His Royal Highness… Prince G-Giann von Hagen.”
“Good!” Marius smiled, praising the old man, who sat there, sweating buckets of water. “Now,” he stared straight into his eyes, “what is my title?”
“Y-Your Royal Majesty… King Marius von Hagen II.”
“Ah, ah, ah,” Marius waved his finger at the counselor. “That’s not what you said a few seconds ago. Tell me, oh, wise counselor.” He walked behind the old man, towering above him. He placed his hands on his shoulders and asked, “What did you call me?”
The silence was loud. Everyone could only look down, ignoring the counselor. Marius could feel the man shake beneath his touch.
He knew this wasn’t the life he was meant for. He knew that he was better off painting somewhere far away from the throne. Marius knew he was an incompetent king.
But a king nonetheless.
When the man said nothing, Marius whispered, just loud enough for everyone to hear, “That’s treason, you know? What should we do with you, hmm? We could,” he traced his finger on the shaking counselor’s neck, “slit your throat. Hang you. Maybe both. Or wait,” he snaked his arm around the man’s shoulder and harshly grabbed the man’s cheeks with one hand.
“We could cut that tongue of yours out.”
As if that triggered something in him, the man began to sputter out words, begging for mercy. He’d be on his knees if he could, but he didn’t dare shove Marius away. The young king cringed when he felt the man’s snot and tears drip down on his hand. Hastily, he pulled away and called for the guards.
As they forced the counselor away, he screamed and cried, but they all fell on deaf ears. Marius turned to the others who sat there with pale faces.
“I think it’d be best to end the meeting here today. Good day, everyone.” He turned to leave, and everyone let out a sigh of relief, until he turned around. They all flinched and attempted to compose themselves. “Ah, by the way,” he eyed each one of them carefully. “I wasn’t joking when I said that was treason. If I hear a single one of you utter a word about my father, brother, or me, I will cut your tongues out, and let it be known that your families won’t be spared.”
He swiftly exited the room and headed to his parents room.
Pressure trailed behind him, so he walked faster. It was a hopeless attempt, as it caught up to him in no time. He paused his movement and clutched his chest, taking in heavy breaths. The shame and embarrassment clouds his vision, while fear blocked his hearing. He was simply alone, facing his fellow friend pressure once more.
He could tell it was mocking him. He could hear its laughs as it pointed at him, calling his crown unbefitting of him, a faux king. He could feel the judgement of its eyes as it stared at him, his glimmering jewels and badges and oversized cape.
Even with all the riches and gold covering him, he felt so naked.
When he felt its hand on its shoulder, he turned and yelled at it, hoping the nightmare would end.
“Get away from me!”
There he was, Vyn, his Royal Tutor, hand in the air as it was shoved away by Marius, and wearing a surprised expression on his face.
He quickly erased whatever trace of shock he had on his face and inquired the boy, “Should we skip todays lessons, Your Royal Majesty?”
Marius blinked back at him, not comprehending what he had just said.
What just happened? Did he shove Vyn?
Vyn saw his visible panic and gently placed his hand on his shoulder. The poor boy looked at him with fear.
“Your Royal Majesty-“
“Don’t call me that,” he whispered with closed eyes. “That’s not me. I’m not…”
“Oh, but you are,” Vyn said. “Let’s talk somewhere more private, shall we?”
No words came out of Marius, so the Tutor pulled the depressed king along with him into a private guest bedroom. He softly pushed Marius to sit on the bed, while he himself sat on the chair, watching the boy.
“How do you feel?”
Marius stared at the ground emptily. “Can I answer you honestly, Vyn?”
“Of course. You can tell me anything… Marius,” he added that at the end carefully. The boy let out a relieved sigh once he heard Vyn drop the honorifics.
“You really don’t have to call me all those things in public either, Vyn.”
He smiled, “That would be rude and almost treasonous. Didn’t I teach you that?”
“Argh,” Marius bent over, covering his face. “Don’t even mention the word treason near me again.”
“Why? What’s wrong with that?”
Marius looked up, and Vyn chuckled at his distressed expression. “I may have gotten mad at someone for talking shit about me, so I sent him to the chambers and threatened to cut his tongue off…”
Vyn raised an eyebrow, “Was it someone from the Council?”
“Yeah, it was,” Marius sighed.
“Well, it was very irrational to say, at the least, but at least you took the initiative to use your power. That’s the first step of being a ruler.”
“But I don’t want to be a ruler, Vyn. You know that. This,” he got up and spread his arms out, pointing to himself, “none of this stuff feels right. Being King doesn’t feel right. I don’t feel right. Everything is just so…” He trailed off, rubbing his eyes hard to stop the tears.
Vyn sat there patiently. He watched as the boy just a bit younger than him fall apart. He knew it would happen one day. No, in fact, he hoped it would happen. Perhaps this was Marius’s way to free himself from this mess of a kingdom he was born it.
The Tutor was smart. He was intelligent enough to be a military strategist, maybe even be King, but he was unlucky. He was born with commoner blood, yet maybe he was grateful to have been a mere peasant, a mere servant to serve a spoiled prince because he realized being born with royal blood didn’t mean you were lucky; you were just crushed even more by the endless expectations of thousands of people who entrust their lives to you.
He knew what Marius was going to
Everything was just so suffocating.
It took a while for Marius to stop crying. Vyn chuckled to himself thinking about it. How old was he? Twenty-one, right? Twenty-one and still weeping like he was five.
“Marius.” The boy who was sitting down on the bed, hugging a soft white pillow, looked up with puffy eyes. They decided it was best to stay until his eyes were a bit better in case word spreads that the King is a big baby. “If the pressure makes you too anxious, how about visiting the Themis Temple?”
“Temple? But I’m not religious,” Marius sniffed.
“I know that, but it might calm you a bit. Visiting the temple may bring peace and tranquil for your mind. Plus, I heard the priests and priestesses there are very kind and welcoming to all, despite social and economical differences.”
The boy raised his eyebrow when he heard the words “welcoming to all, despite social and economical differences.”
Was there really such a place that would overlook such things?
“Plus, I hear that they have this intriguing… we’ll call it ‘tradition.’”
“What do you mean by that?” Marius questioned.
“Well, you see, they believe that all the Head Priestesses that are born inherit Themis’s blood. I hear the Head Priestess as of now has a daughter who is coming of age to become the next Head Priestess, so they’re having this event, almost like a ritual to perform on the girl.”
Marius furrowed his eyebrows. “Ritual?”
Vyn nodded, “Yes, a ritual. I’ve only heard rumors, since the last one was forty years ago, but, apparently, the girl gets hot water poured all over her. It’s suppose to symbolize inheriting the burdens of the last Head Priestess and to make her feel the injustice of this world weigh down on her.”
Marius frowned. That sounded more like torture. He felt pity for the girl. She seemed similar to Marius, born with responsibility and pressure, with a role she never asked for.
“How about you go with me right now? We can use our study time to see whether or not you’ll like it. Plus, I believe it’s an opportunity of a lifetime.”
“But won’t people recognize me?” He inquired.
“The question you should be asking is not that, but if you ‘want’ people to recognize you.”
“Of course, I wouldn’t want people to know,” he grumbled.
“Then we shall dress as normal aristocrats. Come now, I have plenty of clothes that will suit you. You’ll have to make due with a commoner’s clothes, Your-“
“Don’t even think about addressing me like that,” he sneers. “And I don’t mind about wearing commoner stuff. I don’t care for this social hierarchy at all.”
Vyn whistles, “How cute, coming from a person of privilege.”
“You know that’s not what I mean!”
“Right, right, of course. I’ll just have to trust your word then. Now, shall we get dressed?”
The two exit the guest bedroom and head to Vyn’s, which was a couple doors down the hall. They walked side by side. Though the servants and maids whispered among themselves, Marius was occupied with his thoughts.
He couldn’t get his mind off of the girl. Perhaps it was infatuation, or genuine curiosity. He created an illusion in his mind.
In his fantasies, he would speak with the girl. He would ask if she felt proud to be part of this bloodline of Goddess’s, or if she felt as if such a position did not suit someone like her. In his mind, she would hesitantly tell him her true thoughts, that she didn’t want to burn under the wrath of the burning water. He would say he felt the same, that he had always been crushed by the constant expectations of the people. He would hold her hand and promise that he would save her, that the two of them could run away together, and she would agree. And together they would-
“The advisors weren’t wrong about you and your constant daydreaming,” Vyn chuckled as he flicked his forehead. Marius flinched, groaning out loud as he slapped his hand above his eyes. The Tutor turned the knob and held the door open. “Hurry now; we wouldn’t want to miss the performance, would we?”
Marius huffed and stepped in, shoving the Tutor along his way. Inside, Artem sat at Vyn’s desk, reading a few documents. His shirt was slightly unbuttoned, and his face wore a tired expression with the visible frown and disheveled hair.
It would be best not to piss off the Royal Justice.
“Artem,” Vyn called out. The grumpy man turned away from his papers and nodded at Vyn. When he noticed Marius, he heaved himself up to properly greet his king, but Marius quickly stopped him.
“Hey, sit down. I don’t need to hear any more honorifics than I should, and I would really hate hearing them from you.”
Artem sighed as he sat back down, pinching his nose bridge. “Sorry, I’m just completely exhausted right now. Work has been so swamped lately.”
Marius softened his eyes. “Is there anyway I can help you?”
The Royal Justice shook his head, “No. If you assisted me, word would spread that I am incompetent. There’s already enough rumors spreading around the castle.”
He had already known how brutally honest Artem was. Still, he could never get used to it. It ticked him off how Artem brushed him off like that; it felt insulting.
Before Marius could say any retort, Vyn placed a hand on his shoulder. “Artem, how about we all take a break?”
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victoriareyloficlists · 4 years ago
15 March 2021 Additions to Reylo Fluff
These fics have been added to the Fluff lists located in the following lists:
Fluff Part 1 Titles A-G
Fluff Part 2 Titles H-M
Fluff Part 3 Titles N-S
Fluff Part 4 Titlez T-Z
My Heart Like a Kick Drum by Zoa (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, 8 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: In need of a date to his parents destination vow renewal but not interested in a real relationship, Ben Solo turns to an acting service specializing in fake relationships for a temporary girlfriend. But as he gets to know Rey Niima over the course of the vacation, Ben finds himself reconsidering his outlook on love...) More Than a One-Night Stand by Eskayrobot, Poaxath (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey's having a pretty shitty night, to be honest. From the creep at the bar to the...oh, this rescuer of hers is pretty nice. And very attractive. And maybe he smelled really good, too.) lay all your love on me by akosmia (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben doesn't really think much of himself, and Rey is determined to change his mind.) Got a Feeling we Should Just Go Home by slugmutt (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, 13 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Spending the week before Christmas with sullen deputy-CEO Kylo Ren is the last thing on earth Rey wants to do. Going back to his hometown with Christmas-loving Rey in tow is the last thing Kylo wants to do. But with a little help from family, some holiday magic, and a stray blizzard or two, they might start seeing things differently.) Lightning Glass by Weddersins (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Canon CD, Quick Synopsis: Force-users don't like to consume alcohol because it lowers mental shielding. Too bad the Resistance's entire supply of juice fermented. Better not let it go to waste. Meanwhile, Kylo Ren wakes up with Rey booping his nose and giggling. He is Very Confused.) New Beginnings by reylocalligraphy (AO3 2018  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Ben comes home for the first time in five years, it happens to be Thanksgiving dinner. He’s surprised to meet a girl who’s working for his father… an odd girl his parents seem strangely fond of.) The Unintended Consequences of Single-Seater Cockpit Designs by ItsALilah (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Canon CD, Quick Synopsis: After Crait, Rey vowed to never, ever stick her head out for Kylo Ren again. Unfortunately, she's got marching orders from Poe Dameron of all people to save the Resistance's newest ally, who just happens to be Kylo Ren, and of course, those rescue plans predictably go to Hell. Meaning Rey's not just stuck with Kylo Ren, but sharing an uncomfortably confined space with the newly deposed Supreme Leader. A space that was definitely not designed to fit more than one person.) In Full Bloom by deedreamer (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When high school teacher Rey Kanata gets flowers with a cryptic message, she freaks out, thinking she's being hit on by one of her students. On a mission to find out who sent the flowers, she meets Ben Solo -- single dad and owner of the little florist down on Main Street. When the flowers turn out to be a delivery error, Rey knows her job's no longer at risk. But what she doesn't know is that she's about to fall head over heels for the man who keeps sending her flowers day after day because he's a goner for her, too...) Degrees and Galaxies by Pawprinter (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben could think of numerous other things he would rather be doing than spending an afternoon working on a paper. That all changes when he bumps into Rey. Maybe spending the day at the coffee shop isn't the worst way to spend his time.) A Reylo Christmas Carol by Crackedkybercrystal (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: "Before the dawn," Hux intoned, "you will be visited by three spirits. Heed their message Kylo Ren, least you end your days like me." It was only now that Kylo perceived his old partner to be bound with a great chain around his waist, weighed down by heavy blocks.) Of Penmanship and Discourse by INTPSlytherin_reylove97 (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, 35 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Rey Kenobi's professor and advisor, Luke Skywalker, refuses to give constructive criticism or facilitate workshops for his students, she decides to seek help else where. Ben Solo (or if you read his published work, Kylo Ren) is on the brink of insanity. The literary magazine he is editor for is racing off in a new direction-- and is leaving him questioning both its morals and his love for writing. To find his intellectual and creative needs met, he decides to turn to the internet. A PenPals AU no one asked for.) The Set-up by CajunSpice714 (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo has aways been socially awkward, but when he sets his sights on his brother Poe's fiance Finn's bestfriend Rey during an engagment party Poe decided that he and Finn need to divise a plan to set the two of them up if not for the sake of his and Finn's future wedding then for the sake of their own sanity.) From R to Kylo by SpaceWaffleHouseTM (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben and Rey are archaeologists who absolutely cannot stand each other. They also happen to be pen pals, but they don't know who the other is, until one night they get trapped together at a creepy excavation site, and suddenly their hatred begins to unravel.) How You Turn My World, You Precious Thing by BensLostTookaCat (VillainTheBlank) (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: He's the hotshot asshole who leads The First Order, the legal arm of The Resistance. She's the new company liaison who has been assigned to The First Order to keep them accountable.The annual Resistance Masquerade Ball is about to turn Kylo and Rey's worlds upside down.) If You Change Your Mind (I'm the First in Line) by castles_and_crowns (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, 6 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben hates watching his best friend/roommate Rey be unlucky in love. Finally, he decides to do something about it.) Take a Chance on Me by castles_and_crowns (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, 6 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey hates watching her best friend/roommate Ben go on date after date with no success. Eventually, she decides to do something about it. Or, 5 bad dates + 1 good one.) Haunted Corn Maze by OptimisticBeth (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey bonds with her work buddy, Ben.) Zombie Run by OptimisticBeth (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: During a charity run, Rey is relentlessly pursued by a zombie.) Eating for Two by Hellyjellybean (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is pregnant and smells her neighbour Ben's cooking. She goes round to ask if he would be willing to share. But maybe Ben would like to share more than his cooking with Rey.) Go And Catch A Falling Star Chapter 56 by Ayearandaday (AO3 2021  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Hungry overworked Ben accidentally ends up in McDonalds. Guess what happens next?) weddings and wingwomen by bigfootsflannel (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: After hiring Ben Solo as her wedding photographer, Rose discovers her true calling as part-time matchmaker.) when the stars collide by roguewn (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rose and Rey are debating the latest Space Skirmish movie. Rose insists a kiss was romantic and Rey jokes that it was a thank-you-for-saving-me kiss. Rose dares her to kiss the next guy who holds the door open for her.) Fall Into the Dark Side by CaliforniaQueen (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is a lonely comic shop owner. Ben is the equally lonely comic book writer Rey has been crushing on for years.) Something About November Chapter 11 by SpaceWaffleHouseTM (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is leaving First Order Enterprises for her dream job at Resistance Inc. On her last day, she gets a cake and a card with farewell messages from her department-there's an anonymous message among them, confessing to a secret crush.) Something Missing by Hellyjellybean (AO3 2020  Rated M Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: An angst-free AU where Ben takes his kid to work and loses track of him only to find him eating contraband candy with Rey from IT.) A Doggy Intervention by corpse_wife (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Interventions come in many different forms. Whether it's time, a place or occasionally, people, it's up to the universe to decide when two soulmates meet. In Ben Solo's case, the universe had a cruel sense of humor. For his intervention comes in the form of a German Shepard and his graceless brunette owner. Two things happened in the short span of a minute: 1.) Ben got tackled to the ground 2.) The dog had just swallowed his wedding rings) baby fever by cursebreakker (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey’s boss kylo basically has a heart of stone, he literally has a reputation in the offices as 'Satan’s right hand'. That is until Rey’s two year old daughter toddles up to him outside of work one day and he just completely melts.) My Roommate's a Virgin Vampire by jeeno2 (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 8 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey Niima answers an online ad from someone looking for a new roommate. Turns out he's a very weird, incredibly hot vampire with extremely outdated views on sex.) Toy Story XXX: The Legend of the Fainting Goat by andabatae (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey has been thirsting after her next door neighbor, Ben Solo, for months. In a fit of sexual frustration, she purchases a sex toy with rave reviews—never expecting that when she uses it, Ben will mistake her screams of pleasure for cries of distress and break down her door to save her...) Wild Child by tmwillson3 (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 4 Chapters, Regency AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey spends her first Season in Bath with her best friend, Rose Tico. When Rose begins a hate-at-first-sight relationship with Sir Armitage Hux, Rey thinks that nothing more exciting could happen.That's when Sir Hux's friend, the Earl of Alderaan, and his dogs come crashing into Rey. Rey has never liked peers, but when she bonds with him on a rainy day, everything changes.) Dump Your Date for Prom by TypeSomeSenseToMe (AO3 2021  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey asks Ben Solo to the Prom.) you're my boo by murakamism (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey's neighbor Ben Solo is the only one who ever shows Halloween spirit around here. When she discovers he's moving out, she's only hurt because that means she won't have anymore competition... right? So she sets out on a plan to make him stay.) permanent calligraphy (your name on me forever) by theresonatinglight (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: As they continue to work together, two things become clear. One: Ben Solo is an enigma. He’s preppy yet humble, privileged yet introspective. He’s the opposite of lazy; she kicks herself every day for assuming otherwise. And two: Ben Solo will never love her.) Bespoke by L_awlietxoxx (AO3 2018  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo is miserable, stumbling through his life in London without seeing much of anything. Then Christmas sneaks up on him, as does a little shop and a woman who makes custom ornaments to meet the needs of any heart. Suddenly, Ben sees everything.) Game Night by Melusine11 (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey goes to live with Finn to help her get on her own feet. She has an immediate connection with his roommate, Ben Solo. It all comes to a head during a rather intense game night.)
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